A L A N D. MILLER, M.D., M.P.H. As,sociate co~mnissioner Alan D. Miller, M.D., M.P.H., of the New Yo,rk S,tate Dep,a~rt~nent ,of Mental H y g i e n e was ap,p,oi~ted co,,m~i,ssioner by Gover.no.r Rockefeller ,on F ehraar 7 1, 1966. Dr. Mille~r had been as,s~ociate Commissioner for co rmn,,unity me~ta~ health serviceps ,since J~ly 1, 1964. h~ anno~ncinlg the aip,p,o~int~nent, Gove rrmr Rockefelie,r said: "It. is with deep pride arLd s,ats that I announce the ap~pointanent of Dr. Mil,ler to t'hSs rap,st impo:rtaat p o,sition. His o,utstar~4ing ,alb~lities have been r ec~ognized in e.ver:f eo,m~unity of the State ~ h e r e there is ,a c;o,neern a~d inteves~t f,or the men*ally dis.abled. Indeed, ~e enj,oFs a n,atio~M reputation as a leader in t~e co,mmunity mental ~eatth mo~vemen.t." Dr. Miller ~h~s ,spent more than 20 year.s ~n p,ublic health ~ d psychiatry, chiefly as ,am officer o~f @e United States PubEc HeMth Service in which 'he was co,mmissioned in 1946. He: c~ame to, New Yo,rk State f r o ~ the po~sdtion of a~ss,o,ciate chief for o~),er~at$o,r~s research, eo.mmunity r ese,arch and servicers branch o~ the Nat~on~tl In,stitute o~f Mental Health. Born in New Yo,rk C~t$ in 1922, he was gr~a6uated from Amherst Co,llege Zn 1942 ,and 'r'eceived his medical de~ree fro.m t0he New Yo,rk Univer:sity Coilleg:e o.f Medicine in 1945. His mas*er',s de,~ree in public health is fr~om the Jio~n,s ,H,opldns Univer.s~ty. H e .took po,stgr,aduate wo,rk in clinical and so,c~al p,sychiatry ,at M~udsley tIespital, Lon,don. He. is Ja dipIomate in psychiatry ,of the American B.o~a.rd os Psychiatry and Ne~rology and is acvredLted by t~he Nm tional Bo~rd of Medical Ex,a~iners. Dr. Mille,r':s wife., the former J n d i t h Immerman, was b o ~ in Capetown, So~th Africa. There .are five chil4ren, ,a~d the family ~ives in Delmar, N. Y. Dr. Miller is a ~ a r d e ~ r , likes tennCs, plays ches,s and p,lays t~.e vio~la. He has b:een ~a~tive in the Amateur Ct~a~ber M~,sic Pls.yevs, and has p,~wyed wi~h a ~umb~r os ,s,tri,ng qu,~r,tets ~md orohe,s,tr~,s. He ha~s taught pub,lie health a,dmin,is,~ration u t J, ohns Hopkins ar.d has taught p~reventive medicine at the Unive,rsity of Co~o,rad'o. Scho,ol o,f Medicine. He is a fello.w of both the American P,sychiatric As,sociation and the. Americ,an Public Health Association, .and is a men~ber of t~he Royal Medico P~syc,hologi~al As s,(~ciation 'and other pr~o,fes;sion~l s~ocs In New York State 'he has bee~ clini~M ,a,s:socia.te pro,fes:so~r at Albany Medical C,ofiege. He i:s a men~be'r of the profe,s,s~onal ,adviso,ry ,eommittee of the New Yo~rk State A,ss,ociatio,n fo,r Mer~t~a;l He~ulth.