Hum Genet (1984) 66 : 1-16
© Springer-Verlag1984
Review articles
DNA restriction fragment length polymorphisms and heterozygosity in the human genome David N. Cooper and J8rg Schmidtke Institut ftir Humangenetik der Universit/it G6ttingen, Nikolausberger Weg 5a, D-3400 G6ttingen, Federal Republic of Germany
Summary. A list is presented of published reports o f D N A polymorphisms found in the human genome by restriction enzyme analysis. While the list indicates the large number of restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) detected to date, the information collated is insufficient to permit an estimate of heterozygosity for the genome as a whole. Data from our laboratory are therefore also presented on RFLPs detected using a random sample of cloned DNA segments. Such an analysis has permitted a first unbiassed estimate of heterozygosity for the human genome. Since this figure is an order of magnitude higher than previous estimates derived from protein data, the majority of polymorphic variation present in the human genome must, by implication, occur in noncoding sequences. In addition it was confirmed that enzymes containing the dinucleotide CpG in their recognition sequences detect more polymorphic variation than those that do not contain a CpG. Also presented are the clinical applications o f D N A polymorphisms in the diagnosis of human genetic disease.
Introduction How polymorphic is the human genome? Previous attempts to answer this question have relied upon serologic and electrophoretic methods of detection (Vogel and Motulsky 1982). Using these now classical techniques, variability at the DNA level could only be inferred and estimated from protein data. Therefore, only variability of coding sequences could be measured. With the advent of recombinant DNA technology, it is now possible not only to examine DNA polymorphisms directly but also to detect them both in coding and non-coding regions of the genome. Restriction enzymes can detect polymorphisms arising from single base-pair changes introducing or removing a restriction site, or from sequence additions, deletions, and rearrangements affecting the length of D N A between sites. The vast majority of DNA variants seem to be due to single base-pair exchanges. However, techniques usually employed would not detect the insertion or deletion of only a few base pairs. Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) promise to be useful in a number of different ways. The utilisation of widely spaced RFLPs as "genetic signposts" promises to be the basis for the future successful mapping of the human Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Offprint requests to: J6rg Schmidtke
genome (Botstein et al. 1980; Southern 1982). When linked to human disease loci, polymorphic sequences could serve as markers in the antenatal diagnosis of hitherto undetectable genetic defects, and in the identification of heterozygous carriers. Other possible uses include paternity testing and population studies (e.g. Roberts 1982). The purpose of this review is to present a list of published reports of DNA polymorphisms found to date in the human genome by restriction enzyme analysis, together usually with Southern blotting. To this list have been added data from our own laboratory on polymorphisms associated with a random sample of human DNA segments. These data are useful in several respects. They permit the first unbiassed, although still preliminary estimate of the overall heterozygosity present in the human genome. In addition it is now possible to address the question of whether polymorphisms occur uniformly in the genome or whether there are regional and/or chromosomal differences in their frequency of occurrence. Finally, it was intended to determine whether or not some enzymes, notably those recognizing a CpG-containing sequence, detect polymorphisms at a higher frequency than those which do not possess this dinucleotide in their recognition sequence. A polymorphism has generally but somewhat arbitrarily been defined as a Mendelian trait that exists in the population in at least two phenotypes neither of which occurs with a frequency of less than 1% (Harris and Hopkinson 1972; Vogel and Motulsky 1982). An allele present at less than a 1% frequency is simply termed a variant. Although this distinction has been the subject of recent discussion (Meisler 1983), we adhere to this definition here. Table 1 therefore includes DNA polymorphisms sensu strictu, together with rare variants detected by restriction enzyme analysis. D N A polymorphisms in the human genome
A list of published reports of DNA polymorphisms and rare variants in the human genome is presented in Table 1. For each gene region or DNA segment the nature of the polymorphism (i.e. single base-pair exchange, deletion, insertion, rearrangement etc.), the sample size tested, and the enzyme(s) used to detect it, are given. Also listed are the characteristic sizes of the restriction fragments corresponding to the variant alleles and their frequencies of occurrence. Cases where no polymorphism was detected using a specific restriction enzyme have also been included. Whether or not studies were conducted to confirm Mendelian inheritance of the polymorphism is mentioned. The chromosomal assignment is after McKusick (1982) unless otherwise stated. The list does, how-
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ever, make some intentional omissions• Sequence rearrangements associated with the haemoglobinopathies are not included since these have been treated adequately elsewhere (Little 1981; Spritz and Forget 1983). Also omitted are polymorphisms detected solely by comparative analysis of cloned sequences, since artefactual sequence alterations resulting from the cloning process have often not been excluded. Polymorphisms exhibited by uncharacterized repetitive sequence families (e.g. Lerman et al. 1983) are not listed since their repetitiveness severely limits their usefulness in genome mapping studies and the diagnosis of genetic disease. Polymorphisms detected by methods other than restriction enzyme analysis, such as chromosome banding, are not relevant to the intended purpose of this review• Finally, although Skolnick and Francke (1982) include other polymorphisms in their list on the basis of personal communication of results, such unpublished data are not presented here. As can be inferred from the absence of much of the relevant information on the polymorphisms detected, most authors were not primarily concerned with the polymorphisms per se. In most cases, the sample size, the frequency of the variant alleles, or even sometimes the restriction enzymes used, are not quoted. Authors tended to mention only those enzymes which detected polymorphisms and to ignore those that failed to detect variation. This omitted information, however, is vital for any accurate assessment of the heterozygosity of the human genome and for any comparison of the frequencies with which restriction enzyme recognition sites contain or encompass polymorphic variants• Very often, the nature of the polymorphism (single base-pair exchange, deletion/insertion, or sequence rearrangement) has not been properly determined. A few studies have gone some way towards answering the above questions. Seven different enzymes were used to examine the immune interferon gene region for polymorphisms but without success (Gray and Goeddel 1982). Using a "battery of restriction enzymes", Barker and White (1982) found five polymorphisms in 126 restriction sites analysed using 11cloned probes. Pearson et al. (1982) reported a similar frequency (five polymorphisms using 12probes and three different restriction enzymes). Bakker et al. (1983) using X chromosome-derived DNA segments found "one high frequency polymorphism (above 200/0)for every three unique sequence probes analysed with up to six restriction enzymes". From a comparison of these results a hitherto unnoticed lower frequency of DNA polymorphisms exhibited by X chromosome-derived sequences becomes apparent. This finding will be further discussed below in the light of results from our laboratory. Analysis of another X chromosomederived segment, 2RC8, has yielded a Taq I polymorphism when examined with five restriction enzymes (Murray et al. 1982). The most systematic study to date of variation present within a defined region of the genome is that of Jeffreys (1979) for the fl-globin locus. This analysis yielded three polymorphisms when 60 individuals were screened with eight different restriction enzymes. A Pst I polymorphism which occurred at a very low frequency could easily have gone undetected had the sample size not been so large. The author concluded from his results that "at least one in one hundred base pairs varies polymorphically" within the fl-globin gene region, while pointing out that this analysis may have detected fewer than 0.7% of all variants present in this gene region. The data are, however, insufficient to provide us with an estimate of heterozygosity for the genome as a whole since the analysis was confined to a region containing several coding sequences.
10 The level of heterozygosity might well be expected to differ in and around coding sequences on the one hand, and non-coding sequences on the other. The latter, comprising the majority of the genome, is likely to be under less stringent selective pressure than the former. Heterozygosity will also differ between different coding sequences depending on the extent of conservation of those sequences. Murray et al. (1983) have recently presented a study of the variation at the human serum albumin locus. They reported finding six RFLPs with Hae III (3), Msp I, Taq I, and EcoR V after screening with 18 restriction enzymes. They calculate that some 1/95 nucleotides were affected by an RFLP, similar to that estimated by Jeffreys (1979). This analysis, however, does not provide a direct estimate of heterozygosity since the method of calculation ofpolymorphism frequency presented by the authors ignores the number of individuals screened with each enzyme; this differs some 30-fold between enzymes. Recalculation of their results yields an estimate ofheterozygosity at the albumin locus ofh = 0.0025, a value only marginally lower than our own estimate and that derived from the data of Jeffreys (1979). In our laboratory we have attempted to circumvent the aforementioned problems by utilising D N A segments, cloned at random with respect to their coding potential, as probes to examine the extent of variation in different parts of the genome. The clones were obtained from DNA-libraries made from flow-sorted metaphase chromosomes. Their chromosomal allocation was confirmed with somatic cell hybrid D N A hybridization experiments. The selection of suitable clones for this analysis was based upon their ability to produce a good hybridization signal and one which was compatible with their being unique sequences. Hence, there is no reason to suppose that the selection of clones was not random with respect to the polymorphism detection frequency. The data will shortly be presented in more detail elsewhere (Cooper, Smith, Cooke, Niemann and Schmidtke, submitted for publication). Table 2 Table 2. Estimation of heterozygosity in the human genome using cloned DNA segments as hybridization probes DNA segment
Heterozygosity (h)
Base pairs screened
Variants (and No. of individuals found for each)
p H 72 p Ju 78 p B 97 p B 20 p B 22 2 22.1 2 22.3
X X X~ X X 22 22
0.00000 0.00000 0.00265 0.00312 0.00000 0.00351 0.00706
1764 1098 1488 1260 1168 1680 1092
2 22.4 3. 22.6 p J 3.11
22 22 7
0.00000 0.00000 0.01200
480 1536 1660
p J 5.11
0 0 2 (Msp I) 2 (Msp I) 0 3 (Barn HI) 2 (Barn HI) 2 (Eco RI) 0 0 9 (Msp I) 1 (Taq I) 0
13,970 Assignment still tentative HAutosomal = 0.00376
HX chromosome = 0.00115
lists the heterozygosities calculated for each probe and the number of polymorphic variants detected with each enzyme. In all eleven different clones were used to examine a total of nearly 14,000 base pairs in homologous genomic regions with up to six restriction enzymes (Barn HI, Eco RI, Hind III, Kpn I, Msp I, and Taq I) in 10-15 different individuals. Seven different polymorphisms were found. Heterozygosities (h) were calculated using the formula of Nei (1975)
Et; (TI +
b-a) 2
where a equals the number of polymorphic base pairs found with all enzymes and b equals the total number of base pairs examined with all enzymes. This latter figure, b, was calculated in the following way: •number of ~ •number of ~ •number of b = |autoradiographic] x lbase pairs in ] × |chromosomes] \bands + 1 / \ restriction site/ \screened / This approach would overestimate heterozygosity when a probe detects several noncontiguous sequences in the genome because a greater number of recognition sites would have been screened. Conversely, heterozygosity would be underestimated either when the fragment length variation lies below the limits of resolution or when small restriction fragments are not detected due to inefficient binding to the nitrocellulose membrane. It is, however, thought unlikely that the results are affected greatly by these possible sources of error. The 11 clones used in this study probably detect 11 distinct loci in the genome. This assertion is based upon the clones themselves being chromosome-specific as well as their being single or lowcopy number in the genome. In addition, although multiple (more than two) autoradiographic bands were seen with specific probes with some enzymes, a solitary band was always seen with at least one enzyme. These points are consistent with the view that each clone does indeed detect a single distinct locus in the genome. The data permit not only an estimate of heterozygosity of the human genome as a whole but also a comparison ofheterozygosity between different chromosomes. Average heterozygosity (//) is calculated as the arithmetic mean of individual heterozygosities (h) over all the loci examined. For the 11 loci in this study, the average heterozygosity was calculated to be 0.00257. Average heterozygosities exhibited by the autosomes and by the X chromosome were calculated to be 0.00376 and 0.00115 respectively. Thus polymorphisms appear to occur with an approximately three-fold higher frequency on the autosomes than on the X chromosome. However, using the nonparametric test of homogeneity of Kolmogoroff and Smirnoff, the difference between the polymorphism frequencies exhibited by the X chromosome and the autosomes was not significant. While Bakker et al. (1983) have assumed that there is no difference between D N A sequence variation on the X chromosome as compared with that present on the autosomes, such a difference would be consistent with the disparity between previously reported polymorphism detection rates for autosomal sequences (Barker and White 1982) and X chromosome-derived sequences (Bakker et al. 1983). Limitations of our data include small sample size, both of the number of D N A regions examined and the number of base pairs within each region. In addition we have not yet confirmed the Mendelian inheritance of all the polymorphisms detected. Further studies and therefore required to substantiate our finding.
11 Table 3. Frequency of detection of restriction fragment length polymorphisms in the human genome with various restriction enzymes Enzyme
Msp I Taq I Hind III Bgl II EcoR I Sst I Bam HI Hinc II Pst I Pvu II Sac I Xba I Asu I Ava I Ava II Dde I Hpa I Mbo I Mst I Hinf I Kpn I
Polymorphisms reported in the Literature
Data from randomly selected DNA segments Base pairs Polymorphic Frequency screened variants (P/BP) (BP) found (P)
Heterozygosity (h)
10 10 9 9 9 7 5 5 4 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
1392 1284 2568
13 1 0
0.0093 0.0008 0.0000
0.0147 0.0014 0.0000
If the X chromosome is indeed under greater constraint with respect to sequence variability, this would extend "Ohno's law" (Ohno 1967) of conservation of the X chromosome from identical localization ofgene sequences among different species to the conservation of D N A sequences present on the X chromosome among individuals of the same species. One explanation for this conservation may be that the X chromosome contains a higher proportion of coding and/or regulatory sequences which are not at liberty to accumulate polymorphic variants to the same degree as the autosomes. It should be pointed out that the calculated figure for heterozygosity on the autosomes (0.00376) is very close to that calculated from Jeffrey's (1979) data (0.00405). Thus either heterozygosity of the fl-globin gene region is close to that exhibited by the rest of the genome or our figure is close to that exhibited around coding sequences. It can be assumed that most of the variation seen is actually contained in noncoding stretches of D N A since previous estimates of heterozygosity in coding sequences, as inferred from protein data, are about one order of magnitude lower (Nei 1975). Stretches of coding D N A that are comparatively neutral with respect to point mutations and subsequent amino acid replacement might also be expected to exhibit a higher degree of variation than highly conserved D N A coding, for example, for "active" sites in a protein (Vogel and Kopun 1977). Which enzymes detect most polymorphisms ?
The selection of restriction enzymes with which to examine specific D N A segments for polymorphisms is important in aiding rapid detection of such variation. It has been claimed that
more RFLPs occur at restriction enzyme recognition sites that contain the dinucleotide CpG (Barker and White 1982). The theoretical basis for this observation lies in the fact that the human genome is highly methylated at this dinucleotide (van der Ploeg and Flavel11980; reviewed by Cooper 1983). 5-Methyl cytosine is subject to frequent replacement by thymidine due to the deamination of the methylated base (Coulondre et al. 1978). This explains both the high frequency of the C ~ T transition (Vogel 1972) and the resulting CpG deficiency observed in vertebrate genomes (Salser 1978; Bird 1980). Such deamination events would in a certain proportion of cases result in the addition or removal of a restriction site. Msp I (CCGG) and Taq I (TCGA) for example, would therefore be expected to detect such variation with a higher efficiency than enzymes that did not contain CpG in their recognition sequences. However, until now no systematic study has been done on the relative efficiency of detection of RFLPs with different restriction enzymes. Table 3 illustrates the numbers of RFLPs from published work detected with different restriction enzymes. Enzymes that have been used to detect sequence deletions, additions, and rearrangements have been excluded here as have mitochondrial D N A polymorphisms, the latter since the rate of base replacement for extrachromosomal D N A is probably different (Brown et al. 1979). Published data are, however, probably misleading in a number of different respects. Many authors only mention enzyme usage when they have detected an RFLP and omit to mention enzymes which failed to detect RFLPs. Since enzyme usage is also often determined by economic considerations and enzyme availability, it is probable that some enzymes are used far more frequently than others.
12 Table 4. Analysis of human genetic disease by means of recombinant DNA technology Disease
Gene probe
A. Direct analysis of a genetic disease using gene probes to detect intragenic defects Antithrombin III deficiency a-Antitrypsin deficiency Atherosclerosis Diabetes Ehlers-Danlos syndrome Growth hormone deficiency Haemophilia B
Antithrombin III Synthetic oligonucleotide Apolipoprotein A-1 Insulin a (1) Collagen Growth hormone Factor IX
Hereditary persistance of foetal haemoglobin
Hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) deficiency Lesch-Nyhan syndrome Osteogenesis imperfecta Retinoblastoma Sickle cell anaemia
Prochownick et al. (1983b) Kidd et al. (1983) Karathanasis et al. (1983c) Haneda et al. (1983) Pope et al. (1983) Phillips et al. (1981) Giannelli et al. (1983) Farquhar et al. (1983) Tuan et al. (1979) Wilson et al. (1983)
HPRT Pro ~1 (1) collagen Chromosome 13 DNA segments fl-Globin Synthetic oligonucleotide
a- and fl-globin
Yang et al. (1983), Nussbaum et al. (1983) Chu et al. (1983), Pope et al. (1983) Cavenee et al. (1983) Geever et al. (1981) Conner et al. (1983) Orkin et al. (1978) Little et al. (1980)
B. Indirect analysis of genetic disease using gene probes to detect closely linked polymorphisms Atherosclerosis Diabetes (Type II) Growth hormone deficiency Type I Hyp er triglyceridaemia
Apolipoprotein A-1 Insulin Growth hormone Apolipoprotein A-1
Sickle cell anaemia
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome
Osteogenesis imperfecta Phenylketonuria
pro a2 (1) Collagen Phenylalanine hydroxylase
Tsipouras et al. (1983) Woo et al. (1983)
Boehm et al. (1983)
Karathanasis et al. (1983a) Rotwein et al. (1981, 1983)a Phillips et al. (1982) Rees et al. (1983) Kan and Dozy (1978) Phillips et al. (1980) Boehm et al. (1983) Nussbaum et al. (1983) Yang et al. (1983)
C. Indirect analysis of genetic disease using cloned DNA segments to detect linked DNA polymorphisms Disease
Fragile X-mental retardation syndrome
Factor IX
< 12
Camerino et al. (1983)
Huntington's chorea
< 10
Gusella et al. (1983)
Menkes kinky hair
Wieacker et al. (1983b)
LI.28 2 RC8 LI.28
16 17 17
Kingston et al. (1983) Davies et al. (1983a) Davies et al. (1983a)
Davies et al. (1983b)
Muscular dystrophy Becker Duchenne
Distance between probe and disease locus (cM)
Myotonic dystrophy
Complement C3 gene
2 RC8
Wieacker et al. (1983e)
Steroid-sulphatase-X-linked ichthyosis
2 RC8
Wieacker et al. (1983a)
a A firm association between diabetes and polymorphisms 5' to the insulin gene has been challenged by e.g. Yokoyama (1983)
Eco RI for example is comparatively cheap and easily available. These considerations make it difficult on the basis of the inadequate published data to conclude w h e t h e r some restriction sites are m o r e polymorphic than others. It may be for instance
that since Msp I and Taq I are believed to detect polym o r p h i s m s at a higher frequency than others, these enzymes are actually employed m o r e often and are consequently m o r e likely to detect variation.
13 Our results with 11 cloned DNA segments and six enzymes do, however, permit a preliminary conclusion. These results are summarized in Table 3. It can be seen that Msp I detects variation much more frequently than the other enzymes and that Taq 1 is comparable to Eco RI and Barn HI in its detection efficiency. These results are therefore consistent with the hypothesis (Barker and White 1982) that more RFLPs occur in restriction enzyme recognition sites that contain CpG. We also tentatively conclude from our data that the average DNA fragment size after restriction does not appear to correlate with polymorphism detection rates as suggested by others (Basti6Sigeac and Lucotte 1983).
Clinical applications A n u m b e r of polymorphic DNA sequences have now been utilized as marker loci for h u m a n disease genes. While direct analysis of the genetic defect (Table 4A) is the most reliable and hence the most desirable means of detection, it is often not possible to locate the site of mutation within the gene if it is not a gross deletion. Reasons for this include the lack of a suitable restriction enzyme or of the appropriate gene probe. One alternative is to utilize DNA polymorphisms flanking the region of interest (Table 4B). Another is to establish linkage between a known polymorphic DNA segment and the gene under study (Table 4C). This latter approach is applicable in cases where the exact location of the mutant gene (e.g. muscular dystrophies) is unknown. Obviously, the closer the linkage between the polymorphic DNA segment and the gene, the less likely will be the occurrence of a recombination event between them and the more accurate will be the subsequent diagnosis. Examples of the clinical use of linked DNA polymorphisms detected either by the appropriate gene probe or by a linked DNA segment are given in Tables 4B and C. In addition, attempts have been made to link specific polymorphisms to thyroxine-binding globulin deficiency (Hill et al. 1982), Xg blood group (Murray et al. 1982), colour blindness (Murray et al. 1982), and citrullinaemia ( S u e t al. 1982) without success. Together the strategies outlined briefly above hold out the promise of antenatal diagnosis and carrier detection of many h u m a n genetic defects without needing to identify either the primary gene product or the basis biochemical mechanism of the disease. Both for gene mapping and gene linkage studies, it is necessary to have a large n u m b e r of polymorphic loci to identify each linkage group or chromosome. Estimates of the n u m b e r of RFLPs thought to be required such that a DNA segment is certain to be linked to an RFLP locus at a distance no greater than 0.1 morgans, vary from 150 (Botstein et al. 1980) to 1500 (Lange and Boehnke 1982). It is also necessary to possess a sufficient n u m b e r of markers segregating in families to determine linkage for the trait in question. For a highly accurate diagnosis, linkage between the marker sequence and the disease locus must be very tight. Moreover, these polymorphisms must be frequent in the population under study in order to render the procedure applicable to a majority of patients. The data compiled in this review demonstrate that these criteria are seldom met and therefore also indicate that much work still remains to be done until analysis at the DNA level becomes a routine procedure in clinical genetics. After completion of the manuscript a provisional report of the "Committee on H u m a n Gene Mapping By Recombinant DNA Techniques, 1983" was circulated. Whereas this list includes many unpublished reports and work in press, it is far from complete with regard to already published data. We therefore
hope that the information included here in Table 1 can be used to augment the Committee's Report.
Acknowledgements. We would like to thank Juiiet Honeycombe and Bryan Young for the provision of clones, and Chris Bostock and Ed Southern for advice and help during the course of our own work included in this review. We also thank Mrs. Doris Immke for secretarial help. J. S. was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. References Antonarakis SE, Boehm CD, Giardina PJV, Kazazian HH (1982) Nonrandom association of polymorphic restriction sites in the /Lglobin gene cluster. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 79 : 137-141 Auffray C, Ben-Nun A, Roux-Dosseto M, Germain RN, Seidman JG, Strominger JL (1983) Polymorphism and complexity of the human DC and murine I-Aa chain genes. EMBO J 2 : 121-124 Bakker E, Wieacker P, Beverstock GC, Pearson PL (1983) Recombinant DNA techniques for mapping the human X chromosome. Clin Genet 23 : 225 Barker D, White R (1982) More base pair change polymorphisms at sites containing CpG. Cytogenet Cell Genet 32 : 253 Basti6-Sigeac F, Lucotte G (1983) Optimal use of restriction enzymes in the analysis of human DNA polymorphism. Hum Genet 63 : 162-165 Bell GI, Pictet RL, Rutter WJ, Cordell B, Tischer E, Goodman HM (1980a) Sequence of the human insulin gene. Nature 284:26-32 Bell GI, Pictet R, Rutter WJ (1980b) Analysis of the regions flanking the human insulin gene and sequence of an Alu family member. Nucleic Acids Res 8 : 4091-4109 Bell GI, Karan JH, Rutter WJ (1981) Polymorphic DNA region adjacent to the 5' end of the human insulin gene. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 78 : 5759-5762 Bell GI, Selby MJ, Rutter WJ (1982) The highly polymorphic region near the human insulin gene is composed of simple tandemly repeating sequences. Nature 295 : 31-35 Beutler E, Kuhl W, Johnson C (1981) A common mutant EcoRI restriction endonuclease site in the 5' flanking portion of the human a-globin gene. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 78 : 7056-7058 Bird AP (1980) DNA methylation and the frequency of CpG in animal DNA. Nucleic Acids Res 8 : 1499-1504 Blanc H, Chen K-H, D'Amore MA, Wallace DC (1983) Amino acid change associated with the major polymorphic Hinc II site of Oriental and Caucasian mitochondrial DNAs. Am J Hum Genet 35 : 167-176 Boehm CD, Antonarakis SE, Phillips JA, Stetten G, Kazazian HH (1983) Prenatal diagnosis using DNA polymorphisms. Report on 95 pregnancies at risk for sickle-cell disease or fl-thalassemia. N Engl J Med 308 : 1054-1058 B6hme J, Owerbach D, Denaro M, Lernmark A, Peterson PA, Rask L (1983) Human class I1 major histocompatibility antigen /?-chains are derived from at least three loci. Nature 301 : 82-84 Boothby M, Ruddon RW, Anderson C, McWitliams D, Boime I (1981) A single gonadotropin a-subunit gene in normal tissue and tumor-derived cell lines. J Biol Chem 256 : 5121-5127 Botstein D, White RL, Skolnick M, Davis RW (1980) Construction of a genetic linkage map in man using restriction fragment length polymorphisms. Am J Hum Genet 32:314-331 Brown WM, George M, Wilson AC (1979) Rapid evolution of animal mitochondrial DNA. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 76 : 1967-1971 Calabretta B, Robberson DL, Barrera-Saldafia HA, Lambrou IP, Saunders GF (1982) Genome instability in a region of human DNA enriched in Alu repeat sequences. Nature 296 : 219-225 Camerino G, Mattei MG, Mattei JF, Jaye M, Mandel JL (1983) Close linkage of fragile X-mental retardation syndrome to Haemophilia B and transmission through a normal male. Nature 306 : 701-704 Cann HM, Ascanio L, Paul P, Marcadet A, Dausset J, Cohen D (1983) Polymorphic restriction endonuclease fragment segregates and correlates with the gene for HLA-B8. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 80 : 1665-1668 Cavenee WK, Dryja TP, Phillips RA, Benedict WF, Godbout R, Gallie BL, Murphree AL, Strong LC, White RL (1983)Expression of recessive alleles by chromosomal mechanisms in retinoblastoma. Nature 305 : 779-784
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Received October 10, 1983 / Revised October 31, 1983