International Urology and Nephrology 16 (3), pp. 243--251 (1984)
Effect of Some Simple Manoeuvres on the Course of Acute Renal Failure after Gentamycin Treatment in Rats J. HELLER Transplantation Research Centre of the Institute for Clinical a n d Experimental Medicine, Prague, Czechoslovakia (Received September 9, 1983)
For a period of 5 days, Wistar rats received Gentamycin (G), 100 mg/kg b.w./ day i.m. Three days after the last injection, the rats were sacrificed a n d the plasma concentrations of urea (Pu) and creatinine (Pc0 were determined. Both values were significantly higher than in the control rats receiving vehicle only. The increase was substantially greater in females than in males. The rats drinking isotonic NaC1 solution instead of water 7 days prior to G showed near n o r m a l Pu and Pcr values; drinking of N a H C O a had a similar protective effect. Isotonic sucrose solution was without any influence. The rats drinking Ca gluconate or NHaC1 solutions h a d similar or higher Pu a n d Pcr values as rats drinking water, but their body weight a n d overall condition markedly deteriorated. Brattleboro rats with diabetes insipidus exhibited a very similar course as Wistar rats; there was also no significant difference between the former a n d their heterozygous non-insipidic litter mates.
The wide application of aminoglycoside antibiotics over the past ten years has been greatly impeded by their nephrotoxicity. Of these antibiotics Gentamycin (G) is the most toxic [19, 23]. The mechanism of this nephrotoxicity has been reviewed in a number of recent studies [4, 5, 13, 21]. Many studies deal also with the protection of the kidneys from G. Apart from the finding of a complete protective effect of diabetes mellitus [11, 24], the results of the studies are controversial (see Discussion). ~ The present study reviews some very simple methods of protection from G-induced nephrotoxicity on a rat model. The author chose deliberately a simple model and simple, practicable methods of protection (viz. hydration, urine alkalinization or acidification, extracellular fluid volume expansion, etc.). The purpose of the study was not to investigate the mechanisms capable of alleviating or aggravating G-induced nephrotoxicity. Methods
Most experiments were carried out on Wistar rats from our outbred colony, of either sex, weighing 180-200 g at entry into the experiment. Each group comprised 12 rats (6 males and 6 females) and were divided sex-wise into cages of 3 International~Urology and Ncphrology 16, 1984
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rats each. All were fed the standard VELAZ pellet diet. One group was composed of Brattleboro rats with congenital defect of vasopressin formation (DI rats); their heterozygous litter mates (HZ) served as controls. These rats were kindly supplied by Drs. J. Zicha and P. Klir of the Institute of Physiology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague. Because of their slower growth rate, DI rats were admitted to the experiments later than HZ. The experiments lasted 8 or 15 days. The body weight, food and liquid intake of all animals were measured daily. Day 0 was the control day; Gentamycin (100 mg/kg b.w./day) was applied intramuscularly on days 1 through 5; control rats received the same volume of vehicle. On day 8 the rats were decapitated and the freely flowing blood from the trunk was collected into test tubes with heparin. Blood plasma was analysed for urea [2] and creatinine [6]. Some experiments started a week earlier when the rats were already drinking the investigated solution; these days are denoted as - 7 through - 1. Further groups (of 12 rats each) were sacrificed on different days before and after the application of G so as to permit us to observe the course of changes of the plasma concentration of urea (Pu) and creatinine (Pcr)- The rats were subdivided into the following groups: C - controls receiving vehicle and drinking water; G1 - rats given G and drinking water; Groups Gz through G 8 receiving G and drinking isotonic solutions: - NaC1 62 G3 - sucrose G4 - NHaC1 G5 - NaHCO 3 Ca gluconate G 6 CDI - - control Brattleboro DI rats drinking water; C r l z - control Brattleboro non-insipidic heterozygotic rats; G m - Brattleboro insipidic rats receiving G; G H Z - Brattleboro non-insipidic heterozygotic rats given G. Statistical evaluation was performed by Student's t-test.
Figures 1 and 2 show the course of Pu and PCr in rats drinking water and receiving G on day 1 through day 5. A clear sexual difference is seen. As the Pu and PCf are highest on day 8, this day was chosen for blood analysis. All data are shown in Table 1. As expected, a lower body weight increment was seen in control female Wistar rats (C) than in males. After G, this increment was lower in both sexes, yet the sexual difference was preserved. Food but not water intake was also lower after G. Pu and Pcr on day 8 were significantly higher than in C; a significant sexual difference was observed: the values in females were significantly higher Internati0nal Urology and Nephrology 16, 1984
Heller : Renal failure after 9entamycin Gentornyc n, 100 mg/kg b.w.i.m.
8 o
o 0
8o .o
Fig. 1. The course of changes in plasma urea concentration (Pu)after Gentamycin in male (@) and female (O) Wistar rats
Gentamycin, 100 mglkg b.w.i.m.
jurnol / 1 500 400
o O
8 O
200 -
100 I
Fig. 2. The course of changes in plasma creatinine concentration (Pcr) after Gentamycin in male (@) and female ( 9 Wistar rats
than in males. When isotonic saline replaced water as drinking liquid (Gs), the results were similar with exception of lower food and fluid intake and resulting body weight loss. However, when the rats drank isotonic saline 7 days before the start of G administration, a distinct protective effect was noted: Pv and Pcr were significantly lower than in group G 1 and Group Gz - subgroup without days - 7 International U r o l o g y and Nephr01ogy 16, 1984
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t h r o u g h - 1. A l t h o u g h f o o d intake was lower, drinking liquid i n t a k e was higher in these rats. R a t s d r i n k i n g isotonic sucrose ( G ) h a d also a higher liquid intake, yet P u a n d Per were as high as in g r o u p G1. W i t h NH4C1 as d r i n k i n g fluid, a l o w er Table 1 Values on day 8 Group of rats
Drinking liquid Start of drinking (day)
Body weight ( ~ of starting value)
124.72 _ 9.82
107.87 12.78b
109.81 q- 8.88a
102.79 13.31a b
Food intake c~ 108.80 (mg/g b.w./day) -t- 11.12
83.91 98.18 111.82 11.16b 10.17b 18.76b c 86.52 1 0 1 . 8 2 103.46 1 0 . 1 4 b 1 2 . 1 4 b 11.87a c b
82.03 9.18b c 85.52 11.02b c
83.31 10.02b c 93.17 10.08b
81.33 9.14b
41.13 8.18b
56.87 7.12b
72.72 10.12b
32.18 9.16a b
60.27 7.82b
63.88 9.66b
12.87 8.88b c
61.26 7.87a b
60.87 8.12b
45.27 9.17a b
63.18 8.28b
107.43 +__9 . 9 8
Liquid intake (#l/gb.w./day)
154.71 --k 18.20
147.33 21.13
75.28 9.14b
241.63 38.17b
208.63 29.73b
73.87 12.12b
90.81 12.87b
168.12 q- 19.13
153.01 20.77
67.72 8.82b c
222.81 33.88b c
145.13 21.13a
38.88 18.23a d
118.12 27.27b c
Pu (mmolfi)
6.78 +0.17
28.22 3.07b
33.69 6.17b
20.00 3.19b
47.11 5.16b
39.16 9.72b
6.09 -t-0.61
73.67 9.18a b
72.67 8.47a b
19.17 2.88b c
54.83 8.16b
52.63 ll.18a b
49.13 10.16b
57.14 -t-4.87
178.18 22.13b
182.32 29.18b
88.83 9.98b
228.73 42.18b
199.26 32.13b
210.00 41.22b
61.33 q- 6 . 0 8
323.33 41.18a b
298.73 33.18a b
98.33 11.24b c
180.89 29.66b
187.16 33.18b
193.72 38.16b
P~ (mmol/1)
50.17 10.14b
Abbreviations: C through G D I - see Methods. a = significantly different males vs. females b = significantly different from corresponding control value International Urology and 1Nephrology 16, 1984
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f o o d a n d fluid i n t a k e as w e l l as h i g h l y significant b l o o d loss w e r e o b s e r v e d . T h e u r i n a r y p H o f t h e s e rats was 5.98 +_ 0.64 as c o m p a r e d w i t h t h e v a l u e o f 7.03 _ 0.77 in g r o u p C a n d 7.12 _ 0.81; p < 0.01. I n m a l e s , P u b u t n o t P c r was h i g h e r o n
(mean + S.E.) G~ NaHCOs 0
Ge Ca gluconate --7
107.53 13.14b
111.83 14.18b
93.28a b c
CHz water 0
GHZ water 0
CDI water 0
105.32 10.88b
107.40 13.52
GDI water 0
93.14 11.18b c 87.12 10.73b c
118.37 8.18
94.62a b c
84.72 10.27b c 91.89 12.18b c
93.64 18.17a b
104.63 16.17
95.87 10.18b d 97.87 12.14b
68.72 10.16b
84.21 11.26b
39.92 8.78b
59.38 9.16b
84.82 9.16
66.81 7.71b
78.18 8.38
43.33 7.16b
48.81 7.77a b
53.72 8.28a b
62.28 8.88a b
35.16 7.18a b
80.13 7.14
51.78 7.08a b
81.43 9.98
51.29 8.46b
222.19 43.78b c 162.38 29.87a
276.48 39.12b c 218.37 33.62a b
53.87 9.22b c 78.82 9.02a b
104.71 14.26b c 70.81 10.06a b
256.72 67.87b d 263.22 55.14b d
13.22 3.27b
33.87 8.18b
41.67 9.27b
8.46 0.99
33.72 8.16b
7.89 0.89
46.58 9.27b
59.21 9.13a b
110.83 18.18a b
8.07 0.89
68.33 10.82a b
8.16 0.92
78.67a b
71.23 6.45 68.13 6.09
186.17 38.22b 361.00 68.12a b
76.83 8.28 71.26 8.02
195.50 28.36b 382.33 59.67a b
15.52 4.02b C
19.38 2.83b c
22.08 3.38a b
82.26b c 103.16b c
79.21b c 122.16a b c
137.29 10.14
154.45 12.43
1085.08 227.14
104.31 11.18
120.08 11.66
1028.36 286.44
205.64b 307.28a b
144.41 29.32b 420.82 87.16a b C
c---- significantly different from group G1 d = significantly different from group Gaz All differences at p < 0.01 International U r o l o g y a n d N e p h r o l o g y 16, 1984
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day 8 than in G 1 males. The results were similar irrespective of the time of the start of drinking NH~C1. After drinking NaHCO3 (Gs) significantly lower values of Pu and Pcr on day 8 were observed; these rats, too, had a higher fluid intake than both groups C and G1. The urinary pH of this group was 8.00 _+ 0.94; p < 0.001. The rats drinking Ca gluconate (G6) had a significant body weight loss, low food and fluid intake, and high Pu and Pcr. Very similar results as with Wistar rats were obtained in Brattleboro rats, both homo- and heterozygotic. After G, a decrease in body weight increment and food intake and an increase in Pc and Pcr were observed. The typical sexual difference (greater change in females than males) was also present. Homozygotic insipidic Brattleboro rats were characterized by known slow body weight gain and high water intake. After G, a decrease in body weight, food and water intake was seen. However, although depressed, the water intake was still significantly higher than in heterozygotes. Nevertheless, Pc and Pcr were both significantly increased to values not different from heterozygotes.
Unlike Kahn et al. [18] who found no hyperazotaemia after a 4-day application of 1130mg/kg b.w./day of G to male Sprague-Dawley rats, our rats, both Wistar and Long-Evans-Brattlebor0, showed a significant rise of Pu and Pcr on day 8 after receiving the same dose for 5 days. Interestingly, the mate rats of both strains showed a much smaller rise than the female rats. To our knowledge, no similar finding has been reported in the literature nor can we explain it without further analysis. Isotonic NaC1 solution given as drinking liquid 7 days before the application of G had a distinctly protective effect which may be accounted for by several factors. Increased sodium intake might have been one of them. Compared with rats on a normal diet, rats receiving a high-salt diet showed a decreased G concentration in the renal cortex but no improvement of renal function and histology [3]. In contrast, a low-salt diet led not only to a higher concentration of G in the cortex tissue hut also to aggravated renal function and histology, and to a higher mortality rate. Chiu and Long [8] noted that i.v. administration of a bigger amount of isotonic NaC1 solution improved the course of G-induced acute renal failure in rats. It is speculative whether the effect of elevated sodium intake or one of the other possible causal factors, i.e. expansion of extracellular fluid volume (ECFV) is implicated in this event. Strangely enough, we observed the protective effect in our experiments only in rats which started to drink the NaC1 solution one week before (day - 7) the first application of G (day 1), on the other hand, those which received it only one day before (day 0) exhibited not only the same Pc and Pcr as group G1 but were showing also distinct weight losses. It seems therefore rational to assume that ECFV expanded only in rats which started to drink NaCI earlier, which, in turn, may be the sought mechanism of the effect. Neither can International Urology and Nephrology 16, 1984
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we rule out a further mechanism, i.e. accelerated tubular fluid flow rate starting already in the proximal convoluted tubules. Micropuncture studies have shown that expansion of ECFV by isotonic NaC1 solution results in a decrease of fluid reabsorption in proximal tubules [7, 10, 15]. The accelerated flow would help to wash out tubular debris observed after G by Neugarten et al. [20]. This conclusion is indirectly supported by the inefficacy of more distally acting diuretics in protection from G [1, 8] just as by our experiments with sucrose and DI rats. Rats starting to drink sucrose a week before G drank more than both C and G1 rats. It can be therefore assumed that they had a higher urine flow rate of the type of "water diuresis" which is characterized by a higher rate of tubular fluid flow in the diluting nephron segment. The same was true for insipidic rats which showed an identical course of failure as their non-insipidic heterozygotic litter mates. This last observation is at variance with what Texeira et al. had found [24], who noted a partial protection in their DI rats including a lower Pcr- The cause of this difference is not quite clear but may be due to a different experimental design. Unlike these authors who had administered 40 mg/kg/day G for 14 days, we used 100 mg/kg/day for 5 days. Soberon et al. [23] showed the overall daily dose to be a more important factor responsible for G-induced toxicity than the total dose. Summarizing, the protective effect of NaC1 drinking seems to depend on its inhibitory influence on proximal fluid reabsorption. Manoeuvres leading to suppression of more distal tubular reabsorption (sucrose, DI) seem to be ineffective. The role of urinary pH in G toxicity in rats is also obscure. Hsu et al. [16] observed that rats given G and drinking 19/0NH ~Ct solution had a higher Pu than those receiving tap water. Elliot et al. [12] made a similar observation. This is in accord with our experiments with male but not with female rats; however, both sexes exhibited strikingly lower body weight and their overall condition was distinctly poorer than in group G 1 rats. Elliot et al. [12] did not see any difference between the rats drinking NaHCO3 or water; Chiu et al. [9] reported a lower accumulation of G and somewhat improved course of G intoxication. We, on our part, noted a distinct protective effect of NaHCO3. However, since the intake of bicarbonate solution was higher by these rats than by rats of group G1, it can be assumed that in addition to urine alkalinization the beneficial effect may also be attributed to the elevated sodium intake or ECFV expansion similar to those seen after NaC1 solution. Recent reports describe a protective effect of elevated dietary Ca intake in ARF after G [14, 17, 22]. Our rats receiving Ca gluconate showed either the same Po and Pc~ (males) or higher (females) on day 8 as rats receiving water, their body weight was markedly lower and their overall physical condition poorer. We have no explanation for this difference as the scheme of G administration, the mode of Ca administration and the rat strains varied study by study. Whereas all the three quoted authors added CaCOa to the diet, our rats drank Ca gluconate solution. A more detailed analysis of the fate of Ca received is needed for clarifying the cause of observed differences. To summarize, drinking of isotonic NaCl and NaHCO3 solutions, particuInternational Urology and Nephrology 16, 1984
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larly before the start of G a d m i n i s t r a t i o n , has a n obvious protective effect. I n contrast, m a n o e u v r e s resulting in "distal" diuresis (drinking sucrose, DI) were ineffective. NH~C1, causing u r i n e acidification, a n d Ca gluconate aggravated the c o n d i t i o n o f the rats. I n all cases a n d in the two strains, the course o f A R F after G was distinctly worse in female t h a n in male rats.
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