Appl. Magn. Reson. 12, 505-512 (1997)
Applied Magnetic Resonance 9 Springer-Verlag 1997 Printed in Austria
Spin Relaxation Parameters in Recombining Radical Ion Pair (Diphenylsulfide-d10)+/(p-Terphenyl-d14) Obtained by OD ESR and Quantum Beats Techniques V. A. B a g r y a n s k y 1, O. M. U s o v 1, N. N. L u k z e n 2, and Yu. N. M o l i n 1 t Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation 2International Tomography Center, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation Received January 20, 1997
Abstraet. Parameters of paramagnetic relaxation were determined by OD ESR and quantum beats techniques for a recombining pair of radical ions (DPS-d10)+/(PTP-d14)- in n-hexane, isooctane, cisdecalin, and squalane solutions. The T2 relaxation time determined by quantum beats technique is independent of solvent viscosity and magnetic field strength in the range 170-9600 G. These data are in agreement with the results obtained by OD ESR technique assuming fast T~ relaxation for radical cation. Neglecting the contribution of radical anion relaxation, we obtained T~c= T2c~ 50 ns for (DPS-dl0)+. 1. I n t r o d u c t i o n The method o f optically detected electron spin resonance (OD ESR) is successfully used to observe the ESR spectra o f short-lived radical ions resulting from the radiolysis o f solutions (see, e.g., [1-3]). A geminate anion-cation pair is initially formed in a track as a singlet pair. In the static magnetic field o f spectrometer, transitions to the triplet state occur under Zeeman and hyperfine interactions as well as relaxation processes. The products o f radical recombination, depending on pair multiplicity at the moment o f recombination, are formed in either singlet or triplet excited states. The observed fluorescence intensity is the lower the more probable is the singlet-triplet (S-T) transition. When the microwave (mw) field o f spectrometer is in resonance with particular Zeeman transitions, this probability increases further which leads to a drop in recombination fluorescence intensity. Therefore the OD ESR signal is registered a s a fluorescence drop upon passage through resonance. The resulting spectra are similar to the E S R spectra o f radical ions participating in the processes. A n alternative method for studying spin-correlated radical ion pairs is the spectroscopy o f quantum beats [4-7]. In this case, the kinetics o f the recombination
v.A. Bagryansky et al.:
fluorescence of radical-ion pairs is observed in the static external magnetic tŸ without applying mw fiel& Dynamic S-T transitions lead to modulation of decay curves by the frequencies that are equal to the frequency differences between the ESR spectra components o f radical cation and radical anion [8]. In the simplest case, when the spectra o f these radical ions consist of single non-overlapping lines, the frequency of quantum beats characterizes the distance between the lines and the decay o f beats amplitude reflects their width. Perdeuterated diphenylsulfide (DPS-dl0) and p-terphenyl (PTP-dl4) dissolved in alkanes yield the OD ESR spectrurn of a (DPS-dl0)+/(PTP-d~4) - pair which consists of two non-overlapping lines and the spectroscopy of quantum beats for this system displays the dumped oscillations [5]. In this paper we have compared the relaxation parameters of radical ions in the (DPS-dlo)+/(PTP-d14) - pair obtained by the OD ESR and quantum beats methods.
2. Experimental Commercial n-hexane, isooctane, c i s - d e c a l i n and squalane were repurified by passing through a column with activated silica gel. The 6 . 1 0 -2 M DPS-dl0 and 10 -3 M PTP-dI4 solutions in these alkanes were degassed by a repeated freeze-pumpthaw cycle and were sealed in thin quartz cuvettes. All experiments were carried out at room temperature. The OD ESR spectra were recorded under X-ray irradiation using an X-band ER-200 D Bruker spectrometer under stationary conditions as described in [1]. Fluorescence was recorded using a light filter (2 < 360 nm) under modulation conditions. Recombination fluorescence kinetics was recorded by the photon counting technique as described in [4]. The radioactive isotope 9~ of about 5 btCi in activity was used as an ionization source.
3. OD ESR Measurements The OD ESR spectra for all the solvents consist of two lines. The distance between them (8.9 ___0.2 G) coincides with that given in [5]. The low-field line was shown [5] to belong to the (DPS-dl0) § radical cation and the highfield one - to the (PTP-dl4)- radical anion. The widths o f both lines depend on mw power. In order to eliminate the saturation effect, the distance AHpp between the points o f the maximum slope was measured for each line for four values of mw power in the range o f 11 to 270 mW. Further, the (AHpp)2 value was extrapolated by a linear function to zero power [9]. The obtained values of AHp~ and AHp~, belonging, respectively, to cation and anion lines, are listed in Table 1. The values calculated for the difference between the g-factors for all cases were Ag = 0.0053 + 0.0002 which is close to the published value of
Spin R e l a x a t i o n o f R e c o m b i n i n g Radical Ion Pair
Table 1. R e l a x a t i o n parameters o f radical ions in different solvents.
Solvent (G) n-hexane isooctane
cis-decalin squalane
1.9 1.6 1.3 1.3
___0.3 -4- 0.1 _+ 0.1 _+ 0.1
(G) 1.9 1.9 2.0 2.3
_+ 0.3 +_- 0.2 _+ 0.1 __- 0.1
(107 s ')
(107 S 1)
(10 7 S-1)
(10 7 S-1)
2.8 2.4 2.0 1.9
1.7 1.6 1.7 2.5
2.6 1.8 1.8 1.8
2.1 1.5 1.5 1.6
+ 0.5 ___0.1 ___0.1 ___0.1
+ 0.5 _ 0.3 ___0.3 -4- 0.2
_+ 0.2 _+ 0.1 ___0.1 -+ 0.2
_+ 0.2 + 0.1 + 0.1 ___0.2
In the case (i), when T~-l = T; 1. b In the case (ii), when T11 = 0. 9
0.0055 [10]. The available [10] hfi constants of (DPS-dl0) + and (PTP-d,4)radicals allow one to calculate the second moments o f the spectra o f deuterated radical ions and to estimate the linewidths AHp~ = 0.6 G, AHp~ = 1.35 G. The widths observed exceed substantially these values which testifies to a considerable contribution o f homogeneous broadening. The rate constant of ionmolecular charge exchange for the (DPS-dl0) + cation in the most viscous solvent (squalane) may be estimated to exceed 109 M - l s -1 [9]. For the concentrations used this conforms to the case of exchange-narrowed spectrum. Thus, the width o f the (DPS-dl0) § line is fully determined by homogeneous broadening whereas that o f the (PTP-d14)- one depends on both the homogeneous contribution and unresolved hfi. It is shown [11] that within the range of small H 1 values the individual lines of the OD ESR spectrum, corresponding to a given nuclear configuration, display the Lorentzian Fae, = Z'd1 + T,2a,c -1
where the indices a or c refer to either radical anion or cation; r d is the pair recombination time under assumption of the exponential decay; T2a and T2o are the T2 relaxation times of radical ions. In this paper, however, the T 1 relaxation is neglected, i.e., actually the case of Tl~,c >> T2a,c is considered. To allow for the influence of longitudinal relaxation, it is suffice to substitute the expression (bz(t)) = bz(O)exp(-t/Tlb ) to formulas (11) of [11] which is an approximate solution to the Bloch equation for the Spin operator z-component of a radical-partner in the Heisenberg representation (here bz(t ) is the operator of radical cation spin if the lineshape o f radical anion is calculated and vice versa). Generalizing further the calculations performed in the paper cited, for Eq. (1) we get _V,o = r a ~ + T2;1o + r~~l .
Thus, in the case of exponential kinetics the width of the individual line of OD ESR spectrum is determined by the sum o f three inverse times: recombination time, the time T2 o f the radical considered and the time T 1 of radical-
V.A. Bagryansky et al.:
partner. A geminate recombination kinetics rate F(t) o f radical ions is essentially non-exponential and has a long-time asymptotic behavior F(t) ~ t -1"5. In [12] the arguments are given that testify to the absence o f the contribution of recombination to the OD ESR linewidth in this very case. Thus, in the range of low mw power, the line belonging to the radical cation has the form o f the Lorentzian curve with a width /'c = T2~1 + TL 1 and the linewidth o f a given hf component of radical anion is Fa = TL ~ + T2-~1. By assuming the lineshape to be Lorentzian, parameter /~~ was determined from the value of AHvp. The value of Fa was obtained by numerical modeling o f the ESR spectrum of the (PTP-d14)- radical using the available hfi constant [10] and choosing the parameter Fa o f Lorentzian broadening so that the calculated and observed values of AH~ coincided. Table 1 summarizes the relaxation parameters ~ and Fa for various solvents.
4. Q u a n t u m Beats
Additional information about relaxation times has been extracted using the quantum beats technique. To this end, the fluorescence decay kinetics of the same samples was analyzed for two values of static magnetic field strength H, 170 G and 9600 G. Expression for the probability P(S --~ S) to find a singlet born pair in the singlet state [8, 13] may be generalized using Eq. (135) in [14] to take into account spin relaxation
P(S ---) S) = 1 [1 + exp(-t / T/)
+ 2exp(-t/T2)exp(-O.5(cr2~
+ ~r2)tZ)cos(AgflHt/ti)]
here T11 = Tic 1 + T?a1, T21 = T~e 1 + T 2a, -1 era and % are the second moments o f the hfi contours of radical cation and anion lines, respectively; Ag is the differente between the g-factots of radical ions. The radical cation spectrum is narrowed upon exchange, which results in o-c = 0, while the calculated value of the second moment of radical anion ESR spectrum is crc = 1.19.10 7 s -1. Then the rate of the formation of the singlet recombination product of a radical ion pair with allowance for relaxation has the form: 1
W(t) = -~ F(t)~9[l + exp(-t / T1) + 2 exp(-t / ~ - 0.5o-~t2) cos(AgflHt / h)] 1 + ~- F(t)(1 - O) ,
Spin Relaxation of Recombining Radical Ion Pair
where F(t) is the recombination rate; O is the fraction of singlet spin-correlated pairs. The last term in Eq. (4) takes into account recombination of non-correlated pairs. The recombination fluorescence intensity I(t) is the convolution of W(t) function with an exponential function
(t-t' 1
I(t) = r-l~ W(t')exp - - - - ~ ) dt' ,
where r = 1.2 ns is the PTP-dl4 fluorescence time [7]. As follows from Eq. (5), the W(t) function may be determined from the form of kinetics I(t) and its timederivative i(t)
W(t) = l(t) + ti(t) .
Equations (4)-(6) give
W(t) Wo(t)
I(t) + d ( t ) I(t)+ r]o(t) 1 + Oexp(-t/T0 + 20exp(-t/T 2
05o-2t2) cos(Ag9600t/h)
1 + Oexp(-t/T~) + 2 0 e x p ( - t / T 2 - 0.5cr2t2) cos(Agl7Ot/h)
where the values o f W(t) and I(t) refer to the 9600 G field and those of Wo(t) and lo(t) belong to the 170 G one. Using Eq. (7) we determined the unknown parameters of the right-hand side by the least-squares fit (LSF). To decrease the influence of error introduced upon numerical differentiation of noisy experimental kinetics, the l(t) and io(t) values were estimated by differentiating the smoothed curves I(t) and lo(t). Figure 1 shows the curve obtained by this method. The dumped oscillations are clearly observed with a 12.5 ns period which coincides with the expected cosine period in the numerator of Eq. (7). The relaxation parameters in the numerator of Eq. (7) belong to a high field and those in the denominator to the low field. With a considerable dependence of relaxation times on field strength, the oscillation maxima would be located along the convex curve because in this case the terms in the denominator that depend on relaxation parameters would decay more rapidly than those in the numerator. Actually, the peaks are situated along the horizontal straight-line which makes us assume the absence of the field-dependence of relaxation times in the range 170-9600 G. Experimental data have been treated in the framework of this assumption confirmed by comparison between the quantum beats and the OD ESR data belonging to the lower field H ~ 3400 G: The parameters were determined by approximating the experimental dependence W(t)/Wo(t) by Eq. (7) using the LSF. According to the theory of ESR relaxation [15], the assumption of spin relaxation rate independence of magnetic field strength in the range 170-9600 G holds for the following two cases:
V.A. Bagryansky et al.:
1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0
t, ns Fig. 1. Quantum beats in recombination fluorescence o f pair (DPS-dl0)+/(PTP-dx4) -. Acceptors are dissolved in isooctane. W(0 is determined for a 9600 G field (see the text). The jagged line experiment, the solid line - simulation by Eq. (7).
(i) 9600rey << 1, where re is the correlation time responsible for relaxation, y is the gyromagnetic ratio. In this case, the T1 and T2 values coincide; (ii) 170rey >> 1. This is the case o f slow T 1 relaxation. In both cases three parameters are varied: T i 1, Ag and O. These approximations ate exemplified in Fig. 1 by the solid lines and for cases (i) and (ii), the curves, corresponding to the optimal parameters, coincide. It has appeared that for tases (i) and (ii), the values o f Ag and 91 parameters coincide within experimental error. For all solvents Ag = 0.0054 ___0,0001 which is in agreement with the value obtained using the OD ESR method. The fraction o f spin-correlated pairs 91 = 0.6 ___0.2 coincides with the previously published value [16]. The values o f / ' 2 1 parameter for both of the cases are listed in Table 1. In case (i) the values are slightly higher than those in case (ii).
5. Comparison of OD ESR and Quantum Beats Results In the framework o f hypothesis (i) on the relaxation rate independence o f magnetic field strength with T1 = T2 the equality 7"11 = 0.5(Fe + F~) must hold. Figure 2 shows a comparative diagram of the values o f both T~-~ determined for case (i) and (Fe + Fa). This equality is approximately valid. In the case of slow T1 relaxation (ii), the equality T 2 1 = F e -q- F a would be true which strongly contradicts the experiment.
Spin Relaxation of Recombining Radical Ion Pair hexane
squalane isooctane
33 84 a
Fig. 2. Comparative diagram of relaxation parameters of the pair: a is the (Fa + F~) value equal to the sum of four inverse relaxation times determined by the OD ESR method in the field of 3400 G (arrow denotes a half of this value); b i s the T2 ~ value equal to the sum of inverse T2 relaxation times determined by the quantum beat method in a 9600 G field using the assumption T1-~ = T21; c is the same as b but fora 4800 G field; d the same as b but fora 2400 G field.
A d d i t i o n a l v e r i f i c a t i o n o f the r e l a x a t i o n rate i n d e p e n d e n c e o f m a g n e t i c field strength has been o b t a i n e d from quantum beats in fields 4800 and 2400 G for the solutions o f acceptois in isooctane. The value o f T~-1 in these cases coinc i d e d with the value determined in a 9600 G field (see Fig. 2). Thus, T2- 1 = = T ~ 1 + T~-a1 is independent o f magnetic field strength in the range 170-9600 G and coincides with a h a l f o f the value Fa +/~c = Tic 1 + T{~1 + T ~ 1 + T~~1 determ i n e d using the OD E S R m e t h o d in the field o f about 3400 G. This gives the equality T~c1 = T~-1 ~ 2 - 107 s -1 in this range. The data o f Brocklehurst [17] have b e e n used to estimate the u p p e r limit T~-~1 ~< 106 s -1 o f the T 1 relaxation rate for (PTP-d14)-. Thus, our results testify to the equality b e t w e e n the T 1 and T2 relaxation times for the (DPS-dl0) + radical cation. These times are about 50 ns and are i n d e p e n d e n t o f solvent v i s c o s i t y which, in our experiments, was varied b y 60 times. The correlation time o f paramagnetic relaxation w h i c h is necessary for the relaxation rate independence o f the magnetic field strength up to 9600 G was estimated to be re << 10 -11 s. A feasible m e c h a n i s m to p r o v i d e such relaxation is the modulation o f spin-orbital interaction b y the vibrations o f (DPS-dl0) § radical ion fragments (the Altschuller-Valiev m e c h a n i s m [18]).
This w o r k was supported b y the Russian F o u n d a t i o n for Basic Research (N 9603-33694a) and b y I N T A S (N 93-1626). We wish to express our gratitude to Dr. I. V. K o p t y u g for helpful discussion.
Bagryansky et al.: Spin Relaxation of Recombining Radical Ion Pair References
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Author's address: Dr. Victor A. Bagryansky, Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion, Institutskaya Str. 3, Novosibirsk 630090, Russian Federation