Math. Ann. (2015) 361:259–273 DOI 10.1007/s00208-014-1068-9
Mathematische Annalen
Complements of hyperplane sub-bundles in projective spaces bundles over P1 Adrien Dubouloz
Received: 18 February 2012 / Revised: 27 September 2013 / Published online: 18 July 2014 © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
Abstract We establish that the isomorphy type as an abstract algebraic variety of the complement of an ample hyperplane sub-bundle H of a Pr −1 -bundle P(E) → P1 depends only on the r -fold self-intersection (H r ) ∈ Z of H . In particular it depends neither on the ambient bundle P(E) nor on the choice of a particular ample sub-bundle with given r -fold self-intersection. The proof exploits the unexpected property that every such complement comes equipped with the additional structure of an affinelinear bundle over the affine line with a double origin. Mathematics Subject Classification (1991)
14L30 · 14R05 · 14R25
1 Introduction The Danilov–Gizatullin isomorphism theorem [5, Theorem 5.8.1] (see also [2,4]) is a surprising result which asserts that the isomorphy type as an abstract algebraic variety of the complement of an ample section C of a P1 -bundle ν : P(E) → P1C over the complex projective line depends only on the self-intersection (C 2 ) ≥ 2 of C. In particular, it depends neither on the ambient bundle nor on the chosen ample section with fixed self-intersection d. For such a section, the locally trivial fibration ν : P(E) \ C → P1 induced by the restriction of the structure morphism ν is homeomorphic in the Euclidean topology to the complex line bundle OP1 (−d) → P1 . However the non vanishing of H 1 (P1 , OP1 (−d)) for d ≥ 2 implies that ν : P(E) \ C → P1 is in general a nontrivial algebraic OP1 (−d)-torsor, and the ampleness of C is in fact precisely equivalent to the non triviality of ν. So the Danilov–Gizatullin theorem can
A. Dubouloz (B) CNRS, Institut de Mathématiques de Bourgogne, Université de Bourgogne, 9 Avenue Alain Savary, BP 47870, 21078 Dijon Cedex, France e-mail:
[email protected]
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be rephrased as the fact that the isomorphy type as an abstract algebraic variety of the total space of a nontrivial OP1 (−d)-torsor is uniquely determined by its underlying structure of topological complex line bundle over P1 . More generally, given a vector bundle E → P1 of rank r ≥ 3 and a sub-vector bundle F ⊂ E of corank one with quotient line bundle L, the complement in the projective bundle ν : P(E) → P1 of lines in E of the hyperplane sub-bundle H = P(F) inherits the structure of an F ⊗ L −1 -torsor ν : P(E) \ H → P1 . Similarly as above, the latter is homeomorphic in the Euclidean topology to the complex vector bundle F ⊗ L −1 → P1 , and the latter is homeomorphic as a complex vector bundle to r OP1 (−(H r )) ⊕ ArP−2 det(F ⊗ L −1 ) ⊕ ArP−2 1 1 , where (H ) ∈ Z denotes the r -fold intersection product of H with itself. One may then ask if for an ample H , the integer (H r ) ≥ r uniquely determines the isomorphy type of P(E)\ H as an algebraic variety. But since the ampleness of H is in general no longer equivalent to the non triviality of the torsor ν : P(E) \ H → P1 , the following problem seems more natural: Question Is the isomorphy type as an abstract algebraic variety of the total space of a nontrivial torsor under an algebraic vector bundle G → P1 uniquely determined by the isomorphy type of G as a topological complex vector bundle over P1 , that is, by the rank and the degree of G? While our results imply in particular that nontrivial torsors under homeomorphic complex vector bundles do indeed have isomorphic total spaces, the answer to this question is negative in general: there exists torsors under non homeomorphic vector bundles or rank r ≥ 2 which have isomorphic total spaces as algebraic varieties. For instance, the complement of the diagonal in P1 × P1 is an affine surface S which inherits two structures of nontrivial OP1 (−2)-torsor via the first and the second projections pri : S → P1 , i = 1, 2. Since for every k ∈ Z the line bundles pr ∗1 OP1 (k) and pr ∗2 OP1 (−k) are isomorphic, it follows that the total space of pr ∗1 OP1 (k) is simultaneously the total space of an OP1 (−2) ⊕ OP1 (k)-torsor and of an OP1 (−2) ⊕ OP1 (−k)torsor over P1 via the first and the second projection respectively. In particular, for every k = 0, we obtain an affine variety which is simultaneously the total space of nontrivial torsors under complex vector bundles over P1 with different topological types. So the degree of the complex vector bundle G → P1 is not the appropriate numerical invariant to classify isomorphy types of total spaces of nontrivial algebraic G-torsors. In contrast, our main result can be summarized as follows: Theorem The total space of a torsor ν : V → P1 under a vector bundle G → P1 is an affine variety if and only if ν : V → P1 is a nontrivial torsor. If so, the isomorphy type of V as an abstract algebraic variety is uniquely determined by the rank of G and the absolute value of deg G + 2. The role of the integer | deg G+2| may look surprising but the latter is intimately related to the subgroup of the Picard group Pic(V ) Z of V generated by the canonical bundle K V = det(ΩV1 ) of V . Namely, for a G-torsor ν : V → P1 , the relative cotangent bundle ΩV1 /P1 is isomorphic to ν ∗ G ∨ and so it follows from the relative cotangent exact sequence 0 → ν ∗ ΩP11 → ΩV1 → ΩV1 /P1 ν ∗ G ∨ → 0
Complements of hyperplane sub-bundles
that K V ν ∗ (det G ∨ ⊗ ΩP11 ) whence that the subgroup of Pic(V ) generated by K V is isomorphic to | deg G + 2|Z ⊂ Z. In the particular case where ν : V → P1 arises as the complement P(E) \ H of an ample hyperplane sub-bundle H , one has deg G = −(H r ) ≤ −r and so the above characterization specializes to the following generalization of the geometric form of the Danilov–Gizatullin isomorphism theorem: Corollary The isomorphy type as an abstract algebraic variety of the complement of an ample hyperplane sub-bundle H of a Pr −1 -bundle ρ : P(E) → P1 depends only on the r -fold self-intersection (H r ) ≥ r of H . The proof of the above results exploits a hidden feature of total spaces of nontrivial affine-linear bundles ν : V → P1 of rank r ≥ 1, namely the existence on every such V of a nontrivial affine-linear bundle structure ρ : V → X over a non separated scheme X , isomorphic to the affine line with a double origin. Vector bundles over X are very similar to those over P1 : in particular the existence of a covering of X by two open subsets isomorphic to C and intersecting along C∗ implies that topological complex vector bundles of rank r ≥ 1 are uniquely determined by homotopy classes of maps S 1 → GLr (C), whence simply by the “degree” of their determinants. In this setting, we establish that the total space of a nontrivial torsor ν : V → P1 under a vector bundle of degree d carries the structure of a nontrivial torsor ρ : V → X under a uniquely determined vector bundle of degree d + 2. The Danilov–Gizatullin isomorphism theorem is then re-interpreted as the fact that the total spaces of nontrivial torsors ν : V → P1 under a fixed line bundle are all isomorphic as affine-linear bundles ρ : V → X . This enables in turn to derive the classification of isomorphy types of affine-linear bundles of higher ranks over P1 as a particular case of that of total spaces of affine-linear bundles over X . The article is organized as follows: the first section is devoted to the study of isomorphy types of total spaces of affine-linear bundles over the affine line with a double origin. Affine-linear bundles over the projective line are then considered in section two. 2 Notation and conventions By a vector bundle of rank r ≥ 1 over a scheme X , we mean the relative spectrum p : F = Spec X (Sym(F ∨ )) → X of the symmetric algebra of the dual of a locally free O X -module F of rank r . The notation P(F) will refer to the projective bundle of lines in F, i.e. is the relative proj ν : P(F) = Pro j X (Sym(F ∨ )) → X of Sym(F ∨ ) considered as a graded quasi-quoherent O X -algebra. By an F-torsor, we mean a Zariski locally trivial principal homogeneous F-bundle, that is, a scheme ν : V → X equipped with an action μ : F × X V → V of F, considered as a group scheme for the law given by addition of germs of sections, for which there exists a covering of X by Zariski open subsets {Ui }i∈I such that for every i ∈ I , V |Ui = ν −1 (Ui ) is equivariantly isomorphic to F |Ui acting on itself by translations. Recall that there is a one-to-one correspondence between isomorphy classes of F-torsors and elements of the cohomology group Hˇ 1 (X, F) H 1 (X, F),
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with 0 ∈ H 1 (X, F) corresponding the the trivial F-torsor p : F → X (see e.g. [7]). In particular, every F-torsor on an affine scheme is isomorphic to the trivial one. Finally, the term affine-linear bundle or rank r ≥ 1 over a scheme X will refer to an X -scheme ν : V → X which can be further equipped with the structure of an F-torsor for a suitable vector bundle of rank r over X . This is the case precisely when there exists a Zariski open covering {Ui }i∈I of X and a collection of isomorphisms ∼ τi : V |Ui → ArUi of schemes over Ui such that for every i, j ∈ I , τi j = τi ◦ r τ −1 j |Ui ∩U j is an affine automorphism of AUi ∩U j = SpecUi ∩U j (OUi ∩U j [x 1 , . . . , xr ]), i.e. τi j (x1 , . . . , xr ) = Ai j (x1 , . . . , xr ) + Ti j for some (Ai j , Ti j ) ∈ Aff r (Ui ∩ U j ) = GLr (Ui ∩ U j ) Gra (Ui ∩ U j ). Isomorphy classes of affine-linear bundles of rank r are thus in one-to-one correspondence with that of principal homogeneous bundles under the affine group Aff r = GLr Gra . Note that the vector bundle F for which ν : V → X is an F-torsor is uniquely determined up to isomorphism by the fact ˇ 1-cocyle (Ai j )i, j∈I ∈ that its class in H 1 (X, GLr ) coincides with that of the Cech C 1 ({Ui }i, j∈I , GLr ). 3 Bundles over the affine line with a double origin In this section, we first review the classification of nontrivial affine-linear bundles over the affine line with a double origin X . The main observation is that while there exists infinite moduli of isomorphy types of total spaces of nontrivial torsors under a fixed line bundle over X , the isomorphy type as an abstract variety of the total space of a nontrivial affine-linear bundle ρ : V → X or rank r ≥ 2 is completely determined by the class of its associated vector bundle in the Grothendieck group K 0 (X ) of X . 3.1 Affine-linear bundles of rank 1 The affine line with a double origin is the scheme δ : X → A1 = Spec(C[x]) obtained by gluing two copies X ± of the affine line A1 = Spec(C[x]), with respective origins ∗ = X \ {o }. It comes equipped with o± , by the identity along the open subsets X ± ± ± a covering U by the open subsets X + and X − . The canonical morphism δ : X → A1 = Spec(Γ (X, O X )) is induced by the identity morphism on X ± and restricts to an isomorphism X \ {o± } Spec C[x ±1 ] . The automorphism group Aut(X ) of X is isomorphic to Gm × Z2 , every automorphism being induced by an automorphism of X + X − of the form X ± x → ax ∈ X ε·± , where a ∈ C∗ and ε = ±1. We denote by θ = (1, −1) ∈ Gm × Z2 the automorphism which exchanges the open subsets X + and X − of X . 3.1.1 Since every line bundle on X becomes trivial on the covering U, the Picard group Pic(X ) of X is isomorphic to Hˇ 1 (U, O∗X ) C[x ±1 ]∗ /C∗ Z. In what follows we fix as a generator for Pic(X ) the class of the line bundle p : L → X with trivializations ∼ ∗ × A1 −→ ∗ × A1 , X− L | X ± Spec (C[x][u ± ]) and transition isomorphism τ± : X +
Complements of hyperplane sub-bundles
(x, u + ) → (x, xu + ). The pull-back of L by the automorphism θ of X which exchanges the two open subsets X ± of X is isomorphic to the dual L−1 of L. A line bundle L → X isomorphic to Lk for some k ∈ Z is said to be of degree −k. 3.1.2 In view of the above description of Pic(X ), every affine-linear bundle ρ : S → X of rank one over X is an Lk -torsor for a certain k ∈ Z. We deduce from the isomorphism H 1 (X, Lk ) Hˇ 1 (U, Lk ) C[x ±1 ]/x k C[x] + C[x] that every nontrivial Lk -torsor ρ : S → X is isomorphic to one obtain by gluing X + × A1 and X − × A1 over X + ∩ X − by an isomorphism of the form (x, u + ) → (x, x k u + +g (x)) for a Laurent polynomial g (x) ∈ C[x ±1 ] with non zero residue class in C[x ±1 ]/x k C [x] + C [x]. The total space of the trivial Lk -torsor is not separated whence not affine. In contrast, the following argument borrowed from [3] shows that the total space of a nontrivial Lk -torsor is always affine: writing g = x −l h (x) where h ∈ C [x] \ xC [x] and l > min (0, −k), the local regular functions ϕ+ = x k+l u + + h (x) ∈ Γ (S | X + , O S ) and ϕ− = x l u − ∈ Γ (S | X − , O S ) (1) glue to a global one ϕ ∈ Γ (S, O S ) for which the morphism σ = (δ ◦ ρ, ϕ) : S → A2 = Spec (C [x, y]) maps the fibers ρ −1 (o± ) to the distinct points (0, h(0)) and (0, 0) respectively and restricts to an isomorphism S\ρ −1 ({o± }) Spec C x ±1 , y . Since the inverse images by σ of the principal affine open subsets y = h (0) and y = 0 of A2 are principal open subsets of S \ ρ −1 (o+ ) A2 and S \ ρ −1 (o− ) A2 respectively, they are both affine. Thus σ : S → A2 is an affine morphism, and hence S is an affine scheme. Example 1 For every d ∈ Z, we let ζd : S(d) → X be the nontrivial Ld -torsor with gluing isomorphism ∼
∗ ∗ X + × A1 ⊃ X + × A1 → X − × A1 ⊂ X − × A1 (x, u + ) → x, x d u + + x min(−1,d−1) .
One checks easily that ζ−d : S(−d) → X is isomorphic to the pull-back S(d)× X X of ζd : S(d) → X by the automorphism θ of X which exchanges the open subsets 1 ∗ −d whence that X ± . Since Ω X1 is trivial it follows that K S(d) Ω S(d)/ X ζd L Pic(S(d))/K S(d) Z/|d|Z. Therefore, the surfaces S(d) are pairwise non isomorphic as schemes over X while S(d) and S(d ) are isomorphic as abstract schemes if and only if d = ±d . Note that since Pic(S(d)) Pic(S(d) × X ArX ) for every r ≥ 1, the same argument shows more generally that S(d) × X ArX is isomorphic to S(d ) × X ArX as a scheme over X if and only if d = d , and as an abstract scheme if and only if d = ±d .
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If d ≥ 0 then, letting ϕ ∈ Γ (S(d), O S(d) ) be defined locally by (ϕ+ , ϕ− ) = (x d+1 u + + 1, xu − ) as in Sect. 3.1.2, one checks that the rational functions ψ = x −1 ϕ(ϕ − 1) and ξ = x −d ϕ d ψ on S(d) are regular and that the morphism (δ ◦ ζd , ϕ, ψ, ξ ) : S (d) → A4 = Spec (C [x, y, z, u]) is a closed embedding of S (d) as the surface defined by the equations x z = y(y − 1), (y − 1)d u = z d+1 , x d u = y d z.
The following result shows that for a nontrivial affine-linear bundle of rank one ρ : S → X , the isomorphy type of S as an abstract scheme is essentially uniquely determined by its one as an affine-linear bundle: Theorem 1 Two nontrivial affine-linear bundles or rank one ρi : Si → X, i = 1, 2, have isomorphic total spaces if and only if their isomorphy classes in H 1 (X, Aff 1 ) belong to the same orbit of the action of Aut(X ). Proof The condition is clearly sufficient. Conversely, if either S1 or S2 admits a unique structure of affine-linear bundle over X up to composition by automorphisms of X then ∼ both admit a unique such structure and so every isomorphism Φ : S2 → S1 descends to an automorphism ϕ of X such that ρ1 ◦ Φ = ϕ ◦ ρ2 . This implies in turn that Φ factors through an isomorphism of affine-linear bundles Φ : S2 → S1 × X X whence that the isomorphy classes in H 1 (X, Aff 1 ) of the Aff 1 -bundles associated to S1 and S2 belong to a same orbit of Aut(X ). The case where S1 and S2 both admit at least two distinct structures of affine-linear bundle over X is a consequence of Example 1 and Lemma 1 below. The proof above made use of the following characterization of nontrivial affine-linear bundles ρ : S → X admitting an A1 -fibration q : S → A1 , i.e. a faithfully flat map with general fibers isomorphic to A1 , whose general fibers are distinct from those of δ ◦ ρ : S → A1 : Lemma 1 The total space of a nontrivial affine linear bundle ρ : S → X admits an A1 -fibration q : S → A1 with general fibers distinct from those of ρ if and only if S is isomorphic to S (d), where d = 0 if K S is trivial and d = ord(Pic(S)/K S ) otherwise. Proof One checks using the explicit embedding S(d) → A4 given in Example 1 that the restriction of the projection pr u to the image of S(d) induces an A1 -fibration q : S(d) → A1 whose general fibers are distinct from those of δ ◦ ρ. The converse assertion is nontrivial and can be derived for instance from the more general structure Theorems 3.11 and 5.3 in [1]. But since the results in loc. cit. are quite technical, we find it more enlightening to sketch a self-contained argument adapted to our particular situation. Coming back to the description given in Sect. 3.1.2, we see that every nontrivial Ld -torsor ρ : S → X admits a birational morphism σ = (δ ◦ ρ, ϕ) : S → A2 = Spec(C[x, y]) whose restrictions to the open subsets S | X + and S | X − take the form (x, u + ) → (x, x d+l u + + h(x)) and (x, u − ) → (x, x l u − ) respectively, for some
Complements of hyperplane sub-bundles
l > min(0, −d) and h ∈ C[x] \ xC[x]. Up to the action of the automorphism θ , we may assume that d ≥ 0 whence that l ≥ 1. Then it is straightforward to check that ρ : S → X is isomorphic to S(d) up to the action of Aut(X ) if and only if l = 1. So we have to show that the existence of an A1 -fibration q : S → A1 with general fibers distinct from those of δ ◦ ρ : S → A1 forces l = 1. We will deduce this fact from the study of a suitable projective model S of S constructed as follows. We embed A2 into the Hirzebruch surface π1 : F1 = P(OP1 ⊕ OP1 (1)) → P1 as the complement of the exceptional section C1 with self-intersection −1 and of a fiber F∞ of π1 in such a way that the restriction of π1 to A2 = F1 \(C1 ∪F∞ ) coincides with the first projection pr x : A2 → A1 . We let F0 = E 0,+ = E 0,− = π1−1 (0). In view of the local descriptions of the restrictions of σ : S → A2 to the open subsets S | X + and S | X − , the composition σ : S → A2 → F1 lifts to an open embedding j : S → S into a projective surface τ : S → F1 obtained from F1 by performing two sequences of blow-ups of smooth centers: the first sequence consists the blow-up of the point (0, h(0)) = σ (ρ −1 (o+ )) ∈ A2 ⊂ F1 with exceptional divisor E 1,+ , followed by a sequence of d +l−1 blow-ups with successive exceptional divisors E +,i , 2 = 1, . . . , d + l and successive centers on E i−1,+ \ E i−2,+ determined by the coefficients of h. The second sequence consists of the blow-up of the point (0, 0) = σ (ρ −1 (o− )) ∈ A2 ⊂ F1 with exceptional divisor E 1,− , followed by a possibly empty sequence of l −1 blow-ups with successive exceptional divisors E i,− , i = 2, . . . , l and successive centers on E i−1,− \ E i−2,− . The so obtained open embedding j : S → S identifies S with the of the SNC divisor B = F∞ +C1 + G, complement of the support where G = F0 + i=1,...,d+l−1 E i,+ + i=1,...,l−1 E i,− , and induces isomorphisms S | X + S \ (B ∪ El,− ) and S | X − S \ (B ∪ E d+l,+ ). Furthermore, δ ◦ ρ : S → A1 coincides with the restriction of the P1 -fibration π 1 = π1 ◦ τ : S → S. The latter ∗ has a unique degenerate fiber π −1 1 (0) = τ F0 = G + E d+l,+ + E l,− , and we have −1 −1 j (ρ (o+ )) = E d+l,+ ∩ j (S) and j (ρ (o− )) = El,− ∩ j (S). The A1 -fibration q : S → Z = A1 extends to a rational pencil q : S Z = P1 whose general member T intersects B along F∞ . Indeed, otherwise the restriction of δ ◦ρ to a general fiber of q would be constant and hence, the general fibers of these two maps would coincide, contrary to our hypothesis. For the same reason, the restriction of q to the section C1 \ (C1 ∩ F∞ ) of π˜ 1 | S\F∞ is constant with image equal to the point Z \ Z . Since G does not intersect any general member of q, we further deduce that the connected curve G ∪ (C1 \ (C1 ∩ F∞ )) is contained in the special member q −1 (Z \ Z ) of q. Let ξ : S˜ → S be a minimal resolution of the indeterminacies Ed+l,+ •
El,− •
F0 •
Fig. 1 The weighted dual graph of the divisor B + E d+l,+ + El,− , the two boxes represent respectively the chain E 1,+ + · · · + E d+l−1,+ and the possibly empty chain E 1,− + · · · + El−1,+ of smooth rational curves with self-intersection −2
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of q. Then S˜ is a smooth projective surface on which q and π 1 lift to P1 -fibrations q˜ : S˜ → P1 and π˜ 1 : S˜ → P1 respectively. Since the unique proper base point of q, if any, is supported on F∞ , all the exceptional divisors of ξ are contained in the fiber π˜ 1−1 (π 1 (F∞ )) of π˜ 1 . Furthermore, one of its irreducible components is a section D of q. ˜ The closure in S of the complement of D in the total transform of B has at most two connected components, each contained in a degenerate fiber of q, ˜ and since q : S → A1 is surjective, exactly one these components is equal to a full fiber F˜ of q˜ containing the proper transform of G ∪ C1 . So there exists a sequence of successive (−1)-curves among the irreducible components of F˜ whose contraction maps F˜ onto a smooth fiber of a P1 -fibration on a smooth projective surface. By construction, the only possible (−1)-curves in F˜ are the proper transforms of C1 and F∞ . Now suppose that l ≥ 2 so that G has at least 3 irreducible components F0 , E 1,+ and E 1,− . Since ˜ it follows that at E 1,+ and E 1,− do not intersect the total transform of C1 ∪ F∞ in S, some step of the above sequence of smooth contractions, the proper transform of F0 must become a (−1)-curve. But then it would intersect the proper transforms of E 1,+ and E 1,− together with the proper transform of either another irreducible component of F˜ or of the section D of q, ˜ a situation which cannot occur in a fiber of a P1 -fibration (see e.g. [8, Lemma 1.4.1]). So l = 1 as desired. 3.2 Affine linear bundles of higher ranks 3.2.1 A vector bundle E → X of rank r ≥ 2 being trivial in restriction to each of the two open subsets X ± A1 of the open covering U of X , it is determined up to isomorphism by the equivalence class of a matrix M ∈ GLr (C[x ±1 ]) in the double quotient Hˇ 1 (U, GLr ) GLr (C [x]) \GLr (C[x ±1 ])/GLr (C [x]). Since for a suitable n ≥ 0, E ⊗ Ln is determined by a matrix M ∈ Mr (C[x]) ∩ GLr (C[x ±1 ]) equivalent in the double quotient GLr (C [x]) \Mr (C [x]) /GLr (C [x]) to its Smith diagonal normal form, it follows that E splits into a direct sum of line bundles, i.e., is isomorphic to ri=1 Lki for suitable k1 , . . . , kr ∈ Z. The Grothendieck group K 0 (X ) of vector bundles on X is then described as follows: Lemma 2 The map Vect(X ) → Pic(X ) ⊕ Z, which associates to a vector bundle E → X its determinant and its rank induces an isomorphism of groups K 0 (X ) → Pic(X ) ⊕ Z. Proof The only non trivial part is to show that the induced map K 0 (X ) → Pic(X ) ⊕ Z is injective, or equivalently, that if E → X is a vector bundle of rank r ≥ 2 then E and det(E) ⊕ ArX−1 have the same class in K 0 (X ). Arguing by induction on the rank and using the fact that every vector bundle on X is decomposable, we are reduced to
Complements of hyperplane sub-bundles
showing that for every m, n ∈ Z, the vector bundles Lm ⊕ Ln and Lm+n ⊕ A1X have the same class in K 0 (X ). If either m or n is equal to zero then we are done. Otherwise, up to changing Lm ⊕ Ln for its dual and exchanging the roles of m and n, we may assume that either 0 < m ≤ n or m < 0 < n. In the first case, the matrix
xm 1 0 xn
0 1 −1 x n−1
x m+n 0 0 1
1 x m−1
0 1
∈ GL2 (C[x ±1 ])
is equivalent in Hˇ 1 (U, GL2 ) to diag(x m+n , 1) and defines an extension 0 → Lm → Lm+n ⊕ A1X → Ln → 0. Hence Lm ⊕ Ln and Lm+n ⊕ A1X have the same class in K 0 (X ). The second case follows from the same argument using the fact that the matrix
1 xm 0 x m+n
1 0 xn 1
xm 0 0 xn
x −m 1 −1 0
∈ GL2 (C[x ±1 ])
is equivalent in Hˇ 1 (U, GL2 ) to diag (x m , x n ) and defines an extension 0 → A1X → Lm ⊕ Ln → Lm+n → 0. Theorem 1 in the previous section implies in particular that for a fixed line bundle p : L → X , there exists a continuum of nontrivial L-torsors whose total spaces are not isomorphic as abstract schemes. The picture for total spaces of nontrivial torsors under vector bundles of higher ranks turns out to be much simpler: Theorem 2 Let pi : E i → X, i = 1, 2 be vector bundles of the same rank r ≥ 2 and let ρi : Vi → X be nontrivial E i -torsors, i = 1, 2. Then the following holds: (1) V1 and V2 are isomorphic as schemes over X if and only if deg(E 1 ) = deg(E 2 ), (2) V1 and V2 are isomorphic as abstract schemes if and only if deg(E 1 ) = ± deg(E 2 ). 3.2.2 Theorem 2 is a consequence of Lemmas 3 and Proposition 1 below which, combined with Lemma 2, imply that the total space of nontrivial E-torsor ρ : V → X or rank r ≥ 2 is isomorphic as a scheme over X to S (d) × X ArX−1 , where d = − deg (E) and where ζd : S(d) → X is the nontrivial Ld -torsor defined in Example 1 above. Lemma 3 The total spaces of all nontrivial torsors under a fixed vector bundle p : E → X of rank r ≥ 2 are affine and isomorphic as schemes over X . Proof By virtue of Sect. 3.2.1 above, we may assume that E = ri=1 Lki , k1 , . . . , kr ∈ Z. Given a nontrivial E-torsor ρ : V → X there exists an index i such that the i-th component of the isomorphy class (v1 , . . . , vr ) of V in H 1 (X, E) ri=1 H 1 (X, Lki ) is not zero. Up to a permutation, we may assume that v1 = 0. The actions of Lk1 and
E1 =
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ki i=2 L
E/Lk1 on V commute and we have a cartesian square V V /Lk1
/ S1 = V /E 1 ρ1
where ρ1 : S1 → X is an Lk1 -torsor with isomorphy class v1 ∈ H 1 (X, Lk1 ) and where π1 : V → S1 = V /E 1 is a ρ1∗ E 1 -torsor. Since ρ1 : S1 → X is a nontrivial torsor, S1 is an affine scheme by virtue of Sect. 3.1.2 and so π1 : V → S1 is isomorphic as a scheme over X to the total space of the trivial ρ1∗ E 1 -torsor p1 : S1 × X E 1 → S1 . In particular, V is an affine scheme. With the notation of Example 1 above, we claim that S1 × X E 1 is isomorphic as a scheme over X to the r -fold fiber product S(k1 ) × X · · · × X S(kr ). Indeed, since for every k ∈ Z, ζk : S(k) → X is an Lk -torsor, the fiber product S1 × X S(k) is simultaneously the total space of a ρ1∗ Lk -torsor over S1 and of a ζk∗ Lk1 -torsor over S(k) via the first and the second projection respectively. The fact that S1 and S(k) are both affine implies that the latter are both trivial torsors, which yields isomorphisms S1 × X Lk S1 × X S(k) Lk1 × X S(k) of schemes over X . The same argument applied × X Lk to the nontrivial Lk1 -torsor ζk1 : S(k1 ) → X provides isomorphisms S(k1 ) k k 1 2 S(k1 )× X S (k) L × X S(k) of schemes over X . Letting E 2 = E 1 /L ri=3 Lki , we finally obtain isomorphisms S1 × X E 1 S(k1 ) × X S(k2 ) × X E 2 S(k1 ) × X S(k2 ) × X (S(k3 ) × X · · · × X S(kr )) where the last isomorphism follows from the fact that the fiber product of the affine scheme q : S(k1 ) × X S(k2 ) → X with the E 2 -torsor S(k3 ) × X · · · × X S(kr ) is isomorphic to the trivial q ∗ E 2 -torsor S(k1 ) × X S(k2 ) × X E 2 over S(k1 ) × X S(k2 ). Proposition 1 The isomorphy type of the total space of a nontrivial affine-linear bundle ρ : V → X or rank r ≥ 2 as a scheme over X depends only on the class in K 0 (X ) of its associated vector bundle. Proof Given a vector bundle E → X of rank r ≥ 2, we will show more precisely that the total space of a nontrivial E-torsor ρ : V → X is isomorphic as a scheme over X to S(d) × X ArX−1 , where d = − deg(E). We proceed by induction on the rank of E. By combining Sect. 3.2.1 and Lemma 3 above, we may assume that E = ri=1 Lki , where k1 , . . . , kr ∈ Z and −k1 − · · · − kr = −d and that V = S(k1 ) × X · · · × X S(kr ). Furthermore, since the induction hypothesis implies that S(k2 ) × X · · · × X S(kr ) S(d − k1 ) × X ArX−1 as schemes over X , it is enough to show that for every m, n ∈ Z, S(m) × X S(n) and S(m + n) × X A1X are isomorphic as schemes over X . If m or n is equal to zero then we are done. Otherwise, up to taking the pull-back of S(m) × X S(n) by the automorphism θ of X and exchanging the roles of m and n, we may assume similarly as in the proof of Lemma 2 above that either 0 < m ≤ n or m < 0 < n.
Complements of hyperplane sub-bundles
In the first case, letting E Lm+n ⊕ A1X be the vector bundle on X defined by the matrix
m x 1 ∈ GL2 (C[x ±1 ]), M= 0 xn it follows from Lemma 3 that the total space of the nontrivial E-torsor ρ : V → X with gluing isomorphism ∼
∗ ∗ × A2 → X − × A2 ⊂ X − × A2 , X + × A2 ⊃ X +
(x, (v+ , u + )) → (x, (x m v+ + u + , x n u + + x −1 ))
is isomorphic to S(m + n) × X A1X . On the other hand, since E is an extension of Ln by Lm , V inherits a free action of Lm whose quotient V /Lm coincides with the total space of the Ln -torsor ζn : S(n) → X with gluing isomorphism (x, u + ) → (x, x n u + +x −1 ). Furthermore, the quotient morphism V → V /Lm S(n) inherits the structure of a ζn∗ Lm -torsor whence is isomorphic to the trivial one S(n) × X Lm as S(n) is affine. Summing up, we obtain isomorphisms S(m + n) × X A1X V S(n) × X Lm S(n) × X S(m) of schemes over X . The case m < 0 < n follows from a similar argument starting from the vector bundle E Lm ⊕ Ln defined by the matrix
1 xm 0 x m+n
∈ GL2 (C[x ±1 ]),
and the nontrivial E-torsor ρ : V → X with gluing isomorphism ∼
∗ ∗ × A2 → X − × A2 ⊂ X − × A2 X + × A2 ⊃ X +
(x, (v+ , u + )) → (x, (v+ + x m u + , x m+n u + + x min(−1,m+n−1) )).
4 Affine-linear bundles over the projective line This section is devoted to the proof of the following generalization of the Danilov– Gizatullin isomorphism theorem: Theorem 3 Let pi : E i → P1 , i = 1, 2 be vector bundles of the same rank r ≥ 1 and let νi : Vi → P1 be nontrivial E i -torsors, i = 1, 2. Then V1 and V2 are affine, and isomorphic as abstract varieties if and only if deg(det E 1∨ ⊗ ΩP11 ) = ± deg(det E 2∨ ⊗ ΩP11 ). We proceed in two steps. First we review the crucial case of affine-linear bundles of rank 1: we establish a refined version of the usual Danilov–Gizatullin isomorphism theorem which provides an explicit correspondence between nontrivial affine-linear bundles of rank 1 over P1 and certain nontrivial affine-linear bundles over X . This
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enables a straightforward deduction of the structure of affine-linear bundles of higher ranks from the results in the previous section.
4.1 Affine linear bundles of rank 1 Recall that the Danilov–Gizatullin isomorphism theorem [5, Theorem 5.8.1] asserts that the isomorphy type of the total space of a nontrivial OP1 (−(d + 2))-torsor ν : V → P1 , d ≥ 0, depends only on d and not on its isomorphy class as a torsor in H 1 (P1 , OP1 (−(d + 2))). In fact, the following more effective result holds: Proposition 2 The total space of a nontrivial OP1 (−(d + 2))-torsor ν : V → P1 , d ≥ 0, is isomorphic to the surface ζd : S (d) → X of Example 1. Furthermore the isomorphism V S(d) can be chosen in such a way that ν ∗ OP1 (1) = ζd∗ L−1 in Pic (V ) Z. Proof The result can be deduced from Example 2 below which exhibits an explicit structure of nontrivial OP1 (−(d + 2))-torsor νd+2 : S(d) → P1 for which νd−1 ([0 : 1]) = ζd−1 (o+ ) and an appeal to [2, Theorem 3.1] which asserts that if υi : Vi → P1 , i = 1, 2, are nontrivial OP1 (−(d + 2))-torsors, then there exists ∼ an isomorphism f : V1 → V2 such that f ∗ (υ2∗ OP1 (1)) υ1∗ OP1 (1). Indeed, the −1 ([0 : 1]) and ζd−1 (o+ ) in Cl (S(d)) Pic (S(d)) coincide classes of the divisors νd+2 ∗ O (1) and ζ ∗ L−1 respectively. with those of the line bundles νd+2 P1 d Let us however briefly review for the sake completeness the construction used in the proof of Theorem 3.1 in loc. cit. We may suppose that ν : V → P1 is given as the restriction of the structure morphism of a Hirzebruch surface πn : Fn → P1 to the complement of an ample section with self-intersection d + 2 ≥ 2, that we denote by F∞ . Given a general point p ∈ F∞ , it follows from [5, Proposition. 4.8.11] (see also [2, Lemma 3.2]), that there exists a section E 1,− of πn intersecting F∞ at p only, with multiplicity E 1,− · F∞ = d + 1. Letting E d+1,+ = πn−1 (πn ( p)), the divisors F∞ and E d+1,+ + E 1,− are linearly equivalent, defining a pencil of rational curves g : Fn P1 with p as a unique proper base point. This pencil restricts on V = Fn \ C to a smooth surjective morphism θ : V → B = P1 \ {g(F∞ )} A1 with general fibers isomorphic to A1 and with a unique degenerate fiber, say θ −1 (0) up to the choice of a suitable coordinate x on B A1 , consisting of the disjoint union of + = E d+1,+ \ { p} A1 and − = E 1,− \ { p} A1 . A minimal resolution g : W → P1 of g : Fn P1 is obtained from Fn by blowing up d + 2 times the point p ∈ F∞ , with successive exceptional divisors E d,+ , . . . , E 1,+ , F0 , C1 , the last exceptional divisor C1 being a section of g. The proper transform of F∞ in W is a full fiber of g, whereas the proper transforms of E d+1,+ and E 1,− are both (−1)-curves d contained in the unique degenerate fiber g −1 (0) = F0 + E 1,− + i=1 E i,+ + E d+1,+ of g. With our choice of notation, the weighted dual graph of the total transform of F∞ + E 1,− + E d+1,+ in W coincides with that depicted in Fig. 1 in the case l = 1. Since F0 ∪ E 1,+ ∪ · · · ∪ E d,+ is a chain of (−2)-curves, we can contract successively E d+1,+ , E d,+ , . . . , E 1,+ and E 1,− to obtain a birational morphism τ : W → F1 . The d later restricts to a morphism τ : V W \C1 ∪ F∞ ∪ F0 ∪ i=1 E i,+ → F1 \C1 ∪ F∞
Complements of hyperplane sub-bundles
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B × A1 of schemes over B, inducing an isomorphism V \ (+ ∪ − ) → B \ {0} × A1 and contracting − and + to distinct points supported on {0} × A1 ⊂ B × A1 . Up to a suitable choice of coordinate on the second factor of B × A1 , we may assume that τ (− ) = (0, 0) and τ (+ ) = (0, 0). It then follows from the construction of τ that there exists isomorphisms V \− B ×Spec(C[u + ]) and V \+ B ×Spec(C[u − ]) for which the restrictions of τ : V → B ×A1 to V \− and V \+ coincide respectively with the birational morphisms
V \ − → B × A1 , (x, u + ) → (x, x d+1 u + + h(x)) V \ + → B × A1 , (x, u − ) → (x, xu − ),
for a suitable polynomial h(x) ∈ C[x] \ xC[x]. We conclude that θ : V → B A1 factor through an affine-linear bundle ζ : V → X which is isomorphic, up to the pull-back by an automorphism of X fixing the two origins o± to ζd : S(d) → X . The fact that ν −1 (ν( p)) = + = ζd−1 (o+ ) achieves the proof. Example 2 Recall from Example 1 that for every d ≥ 0, ζd : S(d) → X is isomorphic over A1 = Spec(C[x]) to the surface in A4 = Spec(C [x, y, z, u]) defined by the equations x z = y (y − 1), (y − 1)d−2 u = z d−1 , x d−2 u = y d−2 z. Letting P1 = Proj(C[w0 , w1 ]), U0 = P1 \ {[1 : 0]} = Spec(C[w]) and U∞ = P1 \ {[0 : 1]} = Spec(C[w ]) where w = w0 /w1 and w = w1 /w0 , the morphism νd : S(d) → P1 , (x, y, z, u) → [x : y] = [y − 1 : z] defines a nontrivial OP1 (−(d + 2))torsor with local trivializations ∼
−1 −1 τ0 : νd−2 (U0 ) → Spec (C [w] [u]), τ∞ : νd−2 (U∞ ) → Spec(C[w ][x])
and transition isomorphism τ∞ ◦ τ0−1 |U0 ∩U∞ given by (w, u) → (w , x) = (w −1 , w d+2 u + w). 4.2 Proof of Theorem 3 The assertion for affine-linear bundles of rank 1 follows immediately from Proposition 2. The argument for affine-linear bundles of higher ranks is now very similar to that used in the proof of Lemma 3 above. Recall that every vector bundle E → P1 of rank r ≥ 2 splits into a direct sum E = ri=1 OP1 (ki ), k1 , . . . , kr ∈ Z, of line bundles [6]. Therefore, if ν : V → P1 is a nontrivial E-torsor, then there exists an index i ∈ {1, . . . , r } such r that 1the 1i-th component of its isomor1 (P1 , E) , . . . , a ) ∈ H phy class (a 1 r i=1 H (P , OP1 (ki )) is non zero. Letting Ei = O (k ) E/O (k ), the quotient of V by the induced action of E i 1 1 j i P j =i P inherits the structure of a nontrivial OP1 (ki )-torsor νi : Si → P1 with isomorphy class ai ∈ H 1 (P1 , OP1 (ki )). Furthermore, the quotient morphism V → Si = V /E i has
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the structure of a νi∗ E i -torsor. Proposition 2 above implies that ki = −(d + 2) for some d ≥ 0 and that Si is isomorphic to the surface ζd : S(d) → X . In particular, Si is affine and so V is isomorphic to the trivial νi∗ E i -torsor Si ×P1 E i . Moreover, by choosing the isomorphism Si S(d) in such a way that νi∗ OP1 (1) ζd∗ L−1 , we obtain that Si ×P1 E i is an affine variety, isomorphic as a scheme over X to the total space of a nontrivial torsor under the vector bundle E˜ = Ld ⊕ L−k2 ⊕ · · · ⊕ L−kr . Since deg E˜ = − deg(det E ∨ ⊗ ΩP11 ), the assertion follows from Theorem 2 above. This completes the proof. Example 3 Let us consider again the example given in the introduction of an affine variety which is simultaneously the total space of nontrivial torsors under complex j
vector bundles of different topological types. The Euler exact sequence 0 → ΩP11 → OP1 (−1)⊕2 → OP1 → 0 on P1 defines a nontrivial ΩP11 -torsor v : V → P1 with total space isomorphic to the complement of the diagonal Δ P(ΩP11 ) in P(OP1 (−1) ⊕ OP1 (−1)) P1 × P1 . For every k ∈ Z, the variety Vk = V ×P1 OP1 (k) → P1 is then ∨ ) ⊗ Ω1 ) = a torsor under the vector bundle Fk = ΩP11 ⊕ OP1 (k). Since deg(det(F−k P1 k = − deg(det(Fk∨ ) ⊗ ΩP11 ), Theorem 3 implies that V−k and Vk are isomorphic affine varieties. The exact sequence j⊕id
0 → Fk = ΩP11 ⊕ OP1 (k) → E k = OP1 (−1)⊕2 ⊕ OP1 (k) → OP1 → 0 provides an open embedding of Vk V−k into P(E k ) as the complement of the hyperplane sub-bundle Hk = P(Fk ). Note that if k = 0 then H0 is nef but not ample and that if k > 2 then H−k is ample whereas Hk has negative self-intersection (Hk3 ) = 2 − k. More generally, for any n ≥ 2, the complement V in Pn ×Pn = 0 , . . . , x n ]) Proj(C[x n xi yi = 0 inher× Proj(C[y0 , . . . , yn ]) of the ample divisor D with equation i=0 its simultaneously via the first and the second projection the structure of an ΩP1n torsor νi : V → Pn associated with the Euler exact sequence 0 → ΩP1n → OPn (−1)⊕n+1 → OPn → 0 on each factor in Pn × Pn . Since D is of type (1, 1) in Pic (Pn × Pn ) p∗1 Pic(Pn ) ⊕ p∗2 Pic (Pn ), we have for every k ∈ Z, ν2∗ OPn (k) = ν1∗ OPn (−k) in Pic (V ) Z. Therefore, similarly as in the previous case, we may interpret V ×ν1 ,Pn OPn (−k) V ×ν2 ,Pn OPn (k) as being simultaneously the total space of an ΩP1n ⊕ OPn (−k)-torsor and of an ΩP1n ⊕ OPn (k)-torsor over Pn via the first and the second projection respectively. References 1. 2. 3. 4.
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