14. P. Rekalo
UDC 539.12
Since at the threshold the P-odd amplitude of deuteron photodisintegration (T + D + P + N) is determined by three independent multipole amplitudes (describing the E1 iSo, E1 § 3SI, and M2 § 3SI transitions), at least three different experiments on measuring the P-odd polarization characteristics of the Y + D § P + N process are needed (provided that P-odd threshold amplitudes are known) in order to determine the multipole amplitudes. A P-odd dependence of the threshold cross section on the polarizations of the colliding y-quantum and deuteron is established and P-odd contributions to the polarization vector of protons formed in the Y + D § P + N process are found. The P-odd characteristics are calculated in terms of P-even and P-odd threshold amplitudes. The importance of investigating P-odd effects in deuteron photodisintegration (T + D § N + P) and radiation neutron capture (N + P + D + y) was remarked more than 20 years ago [i, 2]. The result of measurement of P-odd circular polarization of the T-quantum in the N + P § D + T reaction [3] has hitherto not been explained theoretically [4]. The experimental estimate [5] of the P-odd asymmetry of the angular distribution of y-quanta in N + P § D + Y, formed during the capture of longitudinally polarized neutrons, is not at variance with the theoretical calculations. Recently discussions have been conducted [6] on the possibility of measuring the P-odd dependence of the Y + D § N + P cross section (near the threshold) on the circular polarization of the photons. In this paper we analyze the P-odd polarization effects in the Y + D § N + P reaction near the threshold, where the spin structure of the P-even and P-odd parts of the amplitude is particularly simple. The analysis is carried out in terms of the threshold multipole amplitudes, derived phenomenologically. We do not try to calculate these amplitudes; instead, our task is to ascertain what combinations of amplitudes determine the different P-odd characteristics of y + D + + N + P near the threshold. Besides P-odd asymmetries in Y + D * N + P, caused by the polarizations of the colliding particles, we also consider the P-odd contributions to the polarization of the protons as a function of the vector and tensor polarization of the deuteron target. This analysis makes it possible to point out the experiments in which all the P-odd threshold amplitudes can be determined. The P-odd contribution to the differential cross section of the y + D + N + P process from the polarizations of the colliding particles (summation is carried out over the nucleons formed) can be written as do/d~ = PijHij, where Pij is the y-ray density matrix, which depends on the Stokes parameters as follows [7]:
1 . (~) r~) -F el~)e~?)) + ~ [e(1)er2) -~ ~2)~(1)~
~ i,j~)j2)
+ ~ (ell)e~l) - - e_(2) i ej~).), where ~i are the Stokes parameters and e (I) and e (2) are mutually orthogonal (unit) vectors which are orthogonal to the photon three-momentum k. The hadron tensor Hi4 is determined by the product of the P-even and P-odd parts of the electromagnetic current o~ the process
[-]ij=JiJ~-~-JiY~, where
the bar denotes
over the polarizations
of the
Physicotechnical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kharkov. Translated from Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii, Fizika, No. 12, pp. 80-83, December, 1983. Original article submitted March 23, 1983.
9 1984 Plenum Publishing
The P-odd hadron tensor H i j
can be written as a sum Hij + H~j) +(o
HI~ d)'~ + H~_~),~'~ where
the superscript (0) corresponds to a polarized deuteron and the superscripts (i) and (2) correspond to the absorption of a y-quantum by a deuteron with vector and tensor polarizations. For the individual contributions to Hij we can write the following general expressions, which are valid near the threshold of the y + D § N + P reaction: A
[sift tClX1 ; ~~(i) 9 i j =.~. lcgO.x.); A A A A A H(~) , , i j = [S[jltCl (Sabl~atCo) X3 -7 [SijoSubl('oX4 -?- i ($iartztCmSja A ' A
A , EjamtCmSia ) X 5 =
where x i are real constants, ~ is the polarization three-vector, Sab is the quadrupole polarization tensor of the deuteron in its rest system (sao==sba, Saa=O) , and ~ ~/]K] . It must be pointed out that x6 # 0 only for complex multipole amplitudes (near the threshold), i.e., (if saa = O) only when T-invariance is violated. By virtue of sia,n~mS]a -- s]om~mSia ~ -- si]asa,n~ m two structures in H{~) are independent (for x3 and x4); when transverse y-quanta are absorbed these structures l e ~ to one P-odd asymmetry, viz , ~%~Szz(Xs+X4 xs) (z axis along k). It is seen from Eq. (i) that only three P-odd asymmetries survive at the threshold of the y + D § N + P reaction: a) when circularly polarized y-quanta are absorbed by an unpolarized deuteron target (constant xl); b) when unpolarized y-quanta are absorbed by a target whose polarization vector is directed along k (constant x2); c) when circularly polarized y-quanta are absorbed by a target with tensor polarization Sabkak b # 0 (combination x3 + x4 -- xs). The tensor Pi.d~/dg, which (after convolution with Oi~ ) determines the dependence of the o proton polarizatio~ vector in y + D § N + P on the polarization characteristics of the initial y-quantum, has the structure Pijdo/d~ = 6ijkx7 at the threshold, i.e., at the threshold the longitudinal proton polarization is P-odd an unpolarized target).
(in this case unpolarized y-quanta are absorbed by
And, finally, the polarization of protons formed in the collision of unpolarized y-quanta with a polarized deuteron target can be represented as -
P" dO. = g=xs + i (~ X ~)mXO+ ~m (Sa~aK~) Xi0 q- SmagaX11.
C l e a r l y , x7 = x8 a n d x9 = 0 (by v i r t u e o f t h e r e a l n e s s o f t h r e s h o l d m u l t i p o l e a m p l i t u d e s ) . From Eq. (2) i t f o l l o w s t h a t a l o n g i t u d i n a l P-odd polarization o f t h e p r o t o n s p r o d u c e d can arise both in the coll• of unpolar• p r o t o n s and i n t h e a b s o r p t i o n o f u n p o l a r i z e d y quanta by a deuteron target with quadrupole polarization, s u c h t h a t Szz ~ 0. The c o m p o n e n t s Px a n d Py a r e due t o . q u a d r u p o l e
such that
Sxz # 0 o r Sy z ~ 0.
I t must b e e m p h a s i z e d t h a t a t t h e t h r e s h o l d t h e q u a n t i t i e s xi are constants determined b y t h e p r o d u c t o f t h e t h r e s h o l d P - o d d and P - e v e n a m p l i t u d e s . From t h e c o n s e r v a t i o n o f a n g u l a r momentum i t f o l l o w s t h a t t h e P - e v e n a m p l i t u d e o f t h e y + D § N + P p r o c e s s a t t h e t h r e s h old is characterized by t h r e e m u l t i p o l e a m p l i t u d e s : Two o f them d e s c r i b e t h e a b s o r p t i o n o f a m a g n e t i c - d i p o l e y - q u a n t u m w i t h t h e f o r m a t i o n o f a s i n g l e t and a t r i p l e t s t a t e o f t h e NP s y s tem w h i l e a n o t h e r m u l t i p o l e a m p l i t u d e s p e c i f i e s t h e a b s o r p t i o n o f an e l e c t r i c - q u a d r u p o l e yquantum w i t h t h e f o r m a t i o n o f a t r i p l e NP s t a t e . The t h r e s h o l d P - e v e n a m p l i t u d e o f t h e y + D § N + P process can thus be written as A
F = ig~X~x2e.U X u + g2e. U Z ~ ' ~ Z 2 + g ~ U . ~ z ~ , ez~,
w h e r e oaX2, X t , 2 X t , 2 a r e t w o - c o m p o n e n t s p i n o r s o f n u c l e o n s i n y + D § N + P, e ( O ) i s t h e polarization three-vector o f t h e y - q u a n t u m ( d e u t e r o n ) , and U • the axial vector, since the spatial parity of the deuteron is positive. The a m p l i t u d e g~ d e s c r i b e s t h e t h r e s h o l d M1 § XSo t r a n s i t i o n , t h e d i f f e r e n c e g2 -- g~ d e s c r i b e s t h e M1 + 3S~ t r a n s i t i o n , w h i l e t h e sum g2 + g3 d e s c r i b e s t h e E2 § 3S~ t r a n s i t i o n .
The threshold P-odd amplitude F is also determined by three multipole amplitudes: Two describe the absorption of an electric-dipole y-quantum with the formation of a single and a triplet state of the NP system (El § iSo and E1 § 3SI) and the third multipole amplitude describes the absorption of a magnetic quadrupole y-quantum with the formation of a triplet state (M2 § 3S~). As a result, we can write the amplitude F as .
= g~x~z2e. U + i g 2 z ~ . e X U ~ + i g 3 z ~ . e X gz2U .~, %
where gl, g2, and g3 are the amplitudes of the E1 § iSo, E1 § 3SI, and M2 § 3Sl transitions, respectively. Using Eqs.
(3) and (4), we can get the following expressions for the coefficients xi:
- ~ ( g , g , + g ~ g , - - g393 - - g 3 g J ; x , ---- - - 4 g ~ g ~ ;
x., = 2 ( g , g ,
- - g~g~);
x~ = - - 2 ( g , g l + g2g', + 2g3g=,), 4-
X 7 ---- x~ = - ~ (g~g2 + g..,g, + g~g2 + gag:~);
9,o = 4 I(~, + g~)~, + (g., + g j ( - Z;, + ~._,+ x,, : ~ / [ - (g, + g~)(g~ + }~) + g~ (g,
+ ~)].
From this we see that the seven different experiments considered above for the measurement of P-odd characteristics of the y + D § N + P process at the threshold (determined by the quantities x i) present many possibilities for indicating those independent measurements which make it possible to establish all three P-odd threshold amplitudes (if the P-odd amplitudes are known). We point out that the P-odd asymmetries are linked by one relation 4xi -- x3 = 2x2, irrespective of the value of the P-even and P-odd amplitudes. The search for the correlations of x6 and x9 could serve as a verification of T-invariance. The large selection of P-odd experiments is due to the richness of the spin structure of the y § D § N + P process at the threshold. LITERATURE i. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
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